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Name: Persus "Percy"

Middle: Elijah

Surname: Nox

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0ft

Sexuality: Straight

Build: Athletic

Godly Parent: Poseidon

Legacy: Nyx

Backstory: Percy and his older brother were raised with one purpose: to destroy the gods of Olympus. They were worked to the bone, thrown into Tartarus at 7 years old, and almost completed the task. That is, until they realized what would happen if the Titans regained control over the mortal realm.


1. **Physical Fitness**: Percy possesses excellent physical fitness, honed through years of training and combat. He has strong muscles, good endurance, and a high level of stamina, allowing him to endure long battles and physically demanding tasks.

2. **Combat Training**: Trained from a young age, Percy is skilled in various forms of combat, including hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. He's quick on his feet and knows how to defend himself in a fight.

3. **Adaptability**: Percy has a knack for adapting to new situations and environments. Whether he's thrown into a different culture or faced with unexpected challenges, he can quickly adjust his mindset and actions to overcome obstacles.

4. **Intuition**: Percy has a strong intuition that helps him make quick decisions in tense situations. He trusts his gut instincts and often relies on them to guide him through difficult choices.

5. **Empathy**: Percy has a compassionate heart and can empathize with others, understanding their emotions and motivations. This empathy allows him to connect with people on a deeper level and forge strong bonds with allies.

6. **Resourcefulness**: Percy is resourceful and inventive, able to find creative solutions to problems using whatever tools or resources are available to him. He's not afraid to think outside the box and improvise when necessary.

7. **Learning Agility**: Percy has a thirst for knowledge and a willingness to learn from his experiences. He's constantly seeking to improve himself, whether through formal training or hands-on practice, and he's quick to adapt new techniques or strategies into his arsenal.

8. **Strategic Thinking**: Percy has developed keen strategic thinking and tactical awareness through his experiences in battle. He can quickly assess a situation, formulate plans, and adapt to changing circumstances to gain the upper hand.

9. **Leadership Skills**: As the younger brother in a family with a mission, Percy has learned to lead and inspire others. He can rally his allies and motivate them to work together towards a common goal.

10. **Survival Skills**: Growing up in a harsh environment, Percy has acquired survival skills that are essential for living on the edge. He knows how to find food, water, and shelter in the wilderness, as well as navigate through treacherous terrain.

11. **Stealth and Evasion**: Percy has learned to move quietly and remain unnoticed when necessary. Whether sneaking past enemies or evading pursuit, he knows how to use shadows and cover to his advantage.

12. **Gaming Skills**: Percy has a passion for gaming and is skilled at various video games. This hobby has honed his hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and strategic thinking, making him even more formidable in combat situations.

13. **Charisma and Persuasion**: Percy possesses a natural charm and charisma that allows him to influence others and gain their trust. He can negotiate effectively and convince others to see things his way.

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