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Today's the day of the will reading

I can't say I'm looking forward to it

I mean yeah I might inherit some money but to be honest I don't want it

I don't deserve anything from them

I never knew them

They were never talked about and to be honest I don't want to be in a room with the same people who raised the monsters who tried to kill me

I saw them at the trial but I never actually met them

I don't know what they think of me

I don't know if they would have done the same thing as their sons or if they disowned them and feel for me

There's no way to tell until I'm in already in a room with them

I'm awake but I can't be bothered to get up

Partly because I don't want this day to begin and partly because Franco's arms are so freaking comfy

He has me wrapped up like a caterpillar in a cocoon

"I know you're awake" he muffles into my hair making me laugh

"I don't want to get up, you're cosy"

He chuckles and kisses the top of my head before rolling us over so I'm on my back and his head on my chest

He pushes himself up "You want pancakes sweetheart?"

"yes!" my smile brightens and he stands off the bed lifting me with him making me squeal in surprise

"you're such a baby" he laughs

"you scared me!"

"aw I scared you" he teases

"I hate you"

laughing, he takes me downstairs and sets me on the counter while he starts making the pancakes

"extra chocolate," I tell him as he adds it

"there's already a whole bag in here baby"

"I have to be in a room with my long lost family that raised the men that tried to kill me I think I can have extra chocolate chips Franco"

"Whatever you say, my princess"

I smile proudly to myself and wait for the extra chocolaty pancakes to be ready before inhaling my plate and putting our dishes in the washer and heading upstairs to change while Franco cleans the pan and countertop

I brush my teeth and shower before doing skincare, a little makeup and drying my hair

I change into a white dress with red shoes to match the red bag I'm taking

I change into a white dress with red shoes to match the red bag I'm taking

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