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"You ungrateful bitch!" My mother yells as I feel the cold, clammy backside of her hand slap against my face.
I fly back against the ground, banging my head into the wall next to me. The man next to her, whom I had never seen before, was smoking a cigarette.
He seems to be enjoying the show.
"Get up!" She yells once again, flashing her hand up into the air like a slap.
I stumble up upon my bruised feet and lightly grasp against the wall for support.
"What a disgrace you are!" She leans forward and grabs me by the collar of my dress.
"What did I tell you about coming into my room when I have people over?" She whispers into my ear.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I haven't eaten! Just please let me go, Mommy!" I manage to cough out as she seemingly rips the air out of my lungs with her grip.
"Sorry dosent cut it!" She again slaps me back onto the floor.
As I lay there helplessly, the man with the cigarette walks over to me and helps me up.
I looked at him as he wrapped his arms around me. I tucked my head into his shoulders, my sobs coming to an end.
I finally felt safe.
But then I felt that dreadfully painful burn on the back of my neck.
I screamed as the man pushed me back onto the floor, their faces full of contempt.
I will never forget the sounds of my screams that night.

My eyes fly open as I gasp for air. The sound of my screams merged with the sound of my ringing phone next to me. I slowly sit up in my bed and wipe my eyes.
"Hello?" I groggily say as I answer the call.
"Hey sweet cheeks, there's a new case" I hear the comforting voice of Penelope Garcia say over the phone.
"Alright...I'll uh be there as soon as possible," I say with a cough.
"Alright, see you soon love bug!" She says as she hangs up the phone.
I slap my hands against my face and push my hair out of the way. I throw the sheets off of myself and walk into the unfortunately messy bathroom of my apartment. I slick my hair back into a ponytail and dust on a generous amount of makeup before returning to my bedroom to get changed. I throw on a pair of black dress pants and a button-down shirt and walk to my kitchen.
I plucked a banana off its bunch and peeled it before walking out to my car, grabbing my bag on the way.
As I drive to work the dream from earlier replayed in my head.
It had been years since I dreamt of that night, I guess I was due for an unpleasant reminder.
I pulled into my usual parking spot and scanned my badge on the bureau door. My heels clanked against the marble floors as I made my way to the elevator. I pressed the button for the sixth floor and stared aimlessly at the door until it opened. I pushed open the doors to the BAU and walked into the round-table room.
"Ah! You're here! We can start now!" Penelope eagerly says as I take my seat next to Emily.
"You're rarely late Y/N, did something happen?" Rossi says with a curious look on his face.
"Oh no, I just got held up in traffic" I lie.
"Today two women were found dead in their homes in Chicago," Penelope says as she pulls up their photos on the TV.
"Both had apparently taken Tylenol and then died hours later with intense respiratory symptoms" she adds.
"So we're looking at product tampering?" Emily asks.
"I'm pretty sure, also they lived on opposite sides of the city so it's unlikely they bought from the same store" Penelope replies.
"It almost sounds like cyanide..." Spencer adds.
"If it were cyanide, wouldn't it have dissolved the capsules?" I ask, turning to face him.
"Only if it had been tampered with in the factory, is it possible the UNSUB unscrewed the bottle and sprinkled in the cyanide then one of the victims bought the bottle not too long after?" Spencer asks.
"We can review the autopsy once we get to Chicago, wheels up in thirty" Hotch says as he stands up from the table.
When I stand up I feel slightly dizzy, my vision blurring.
"Are you ok?" Spencer asks me as he clings to the strap of his bag.
"Yeah I'm fine I just..feel dizzy," I say as I grasp onto the chair.
"Do you need anything? I would offer you some Tylenol but it doesn't seem too fitting right now" he adds with his signature chuckle.
"I'm fine, really," I say as my vision clears.
"Alright well..I'm gonna go get some coffee, see you on the plane" he says as he walks by me and out the door.
I collect my stuff and rush out behind him.

As we board the place, I sit down next to Spencer, Hotch, and Emily in the seats across from us.
"When we arrive I want Rossi and JJ to speak to the families of the women, Emily and I will talk to the detective, and Y/N and Spencer will go to the coroners and look over the autopsies" Hotch says, his stern expression unwavering.
"What do we think the MO is? I mean there's hatred towards the brand, the people who use the brand, or just people in general" Emily states with her eyebrows furrowed.
"It'll be determined once we get more information, please get your rest. I know it's early." Hotch adds.
"I'm gonna get some coffee, you guys want any?" I ask as I get up from my seat.
They all shake their heads, so I walk over and pour myself a cup before sitting back down in my seat. I reach into my bag and pull out a book.
"Romeo and Juliet? I didn't know you were into Shakespeare" Spencer says as he peers over my shoulder.
"I don't know if 'into' is the right term, but I do enjoy reading it every once in a while. Brings me back to middle school" I say as I look at him.
"Middle school?" He asks with a confused look.
"My middle school had a Shakespeare club where we would perform excerpts from plays and perform them at a festival" I say as my gaze returns to my book.
"I will say I made a pretty decent Goneril" I add with a smile.
He chuckles and returns to his own book.

As soon as the case started it felt like it ended. The unsub was a white Antisocial male in his late thirties, who did in fact put cyanide into Tylenol bottles all over the city.
When we landed back in Quantico, about two weeks since we left, we were all exhausted.
"God when I get home I think I might pass out right when I step inside" I say, I throwing my head back as I walk outside with Penelope and Spencer.
"I hear ya sister! I am pooped!" Garcia chuckles.
"I'll probably read for a little before I go to bed, helps me sleep" Reid adds with a shy smile.
"And by a little, he means two hundred pages" I add with a laugh.
"Well I don't think I'll read that much..." he trails off.
"Well, I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I say as I climb into my car.
"Bye!" Penelope says as Spencer shoots me a wave.
While I'm driving I get an overwhelming sense of fear, like something was wrong.
When I pulled into my apartment complex I walked inside and saw a nicely wrapped package on my doorstep.
However, something felt wrong.
I kneeled on the carpeted floors of the hallway and carefully removed a card from underneath the piece of ribbon.
When I opened it, it read:
"My hour is almost come, when I to sulphureous and tormenting flames must render up myself"
I slowly picked up my phone and called the only person who would be up at this hour.
I shook as the phone rang.
"Hello?" I hear Spencers voice say through the speaker.
"I need you to come over, as soon as possible" I say with a big gulp.
"It's past midnight Y/N, what's wrong?" He asks.
"I-I don't know yet but there's a package with a creepy note on it and I don't know what's in it" I manage to choke out.
"I'm on my way, do not touch the box" he says sternly, I can hear him running around his apartment.
"I won't, see you soon" I say, releasing a breath I didn't realize I was holding on to.
"Bye" Spencer says as he hangs up the phone.
I stand up once again and wait for him to arrive.

"Y/N?" I hear someone say from down the hallway.
"Over here!" I say as I stare down at the package.
Spencer kneels and grabs the note.
"That's a Hamlet quote..did you ever do Hamlet in school?" He says as he moves his hair out of his face.
"No, never" I say and I hug my knees against the wall.
"I think we should open it" he says as he slowly picks up the box.
"It's heavy.." he groans as he picks it up.
I quickly unlock the door to my apartment and we usher inside.
I make sure to lock the door behind me.
Spencer places the box down on my table and I hand him a pair of scissors.
I could feel my heart beating in my chest, the dread building up as he finished cutting off the layer of tape under the wrapping paper.
And just as he opens it, my heart stops.
The dream I had this morning was scary, but that was but a mere reminder of the past, this, this was real.
And I will never get that image out of my head.

𝙄 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙞𝙙 | ✎Where stories live. Discover now