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There laid a severed, scorched head in the box on the table. I flinched and covered my mouth. The face was completely unrecognizable.
I walked away from the counter and collapsed onto my couch, my heart beating rapidly. I gripped the pillow and covered my mouth.
Spencer covered up the box and sat down next to me.
"Y/N its uh- it's gonna be ok. We're gonna find whoever did this" he hesitantly whispers, unsure of what to say.
"How is this going to be ok? There's a head in my dining room!" I spat out, my hand sliding from my mouth up to my forehead.
"I'm going to call Hotch" Spencer says as he picks up his phone.
I can hear the faint sound of Spencer talking in the distance as I try to choke back the vomit in my throat.
Before I knew it the entire BAU and police department were in my apartment.
I was ushered outside by Hotch and Morgan for questioning.
"What exactly happened when you found the package?" Hotch asks me as I sit down on the steps just outside the complex.
"I-I came home from the Bureau and found the package but something felt I took the note from under the ribbon and it had a creepy Shakespeare quote which I would later learn had to do with the..head..inside, but I called over Spencer because I was scared and that's when we opened it" I say, shivering after every word.
"Spencer told me when you were in middle school you were in Shakespeare, could this be connected?" He asks.
"I..I don't know, it could be but we never did Hamlet" I said as I wiped the sweat off my forehead.
"I just need to sleep and I'll be able to make the best profile I can by tomorrow afternoon" I say as I look up at him.
"I'm sorry Y/N but you're a victim, therefore you are a part of our victimology and I cannot allow you to work on this case" he says sternly.
"But hotch! This case is centered around me, I-If I don't do something more people are going to die and I will not let that happen" I plead.
"The case being centered around you is exactly why we can't have you on it, my decision is final" Hotch glares.
"Listen Y/N I get this is hard but I promise we're gonna find whoever did this to you" Morgan says with a glimpse of hope.
"So while you're out there doing whatever the hell you're doing I'm supposed to sit here and wait for another head to turn up!?" I yell,  standing up from the stairs.
"What happens if he decides he wants to send my head to one of you while I'm here, vulnerable and alone!" I add.
"We will have an agent with you at all times" Hotch assures me.
"Who?" I ask.
"You can have Spencer or Penelope" he adds.
"I want Spencer" I reply.
"Very well then" Hotch says before he and Morgan walk back to the black suburban.
I laid my hand on my forehead as I started walking back into my apartment. Almost everyone had left, besides a few CSI workers testing the carpet outside my door.
And Spencer.
"I just a call from Hotch that I'm supposed to be staying with you until we catch the unsub right?" He asks, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Yeah..hotch said I could have another agent with me" I say as I enter my apartment.
"So uh- do you think I could go home and back some bags?" He asks with a slight smile.
"Oh yeah..would you mind if I came with you tho I don't feel too safe on my own right now" I confess, slightly ashamed of my cowardice.
"That's fine just don't mind my apartment is slightly messy" he replies as we walk back outside.
I hop into the passenger seat of his car and we drive a few miles away to his apartment.
The car ride was filled with quick conversations and yawns .
"I don't mean to be a bother but do you think we could sleep at my house..I'm a little too tired to pack right now.." Spencer says as he rubs his tired eyes.
"I don't mind" I reply with a quick yawn.
"I think I have some pajamas and there's a pull-out on my couch so I think we'll be ok.." he adds.
"Sounds good" I mumble, resting my head on hand.
When we enter his apartment it looks very neat and smells of old books and coffee.
He locks the door behind him and resets his alarm system.
I stand tiredly in front of his door as he runs into his bedroom, soon returning with a sweatshirt and pants.
"I don't know if these will fit too well but they should be ok for tonight.." he says shyly, handing me the clothes.
"Thanks.." I rub my eyes as he leads me to his bathroom.
"You can change in here if you want..I'll just be setting up the pullout" he adds as he opens the door for me.
I slowly walk inside and flick on the light switch, the bright light hurting my eyes.
I slip out of my work clothes and fold them on the sink before stepping into the comforting pair of sweats. I walk back out and see the pullout bed on the floor neatly made and decorated with pillows.
"I know it's not too big but I think it's better than just the couch" he says as he adjusts the comforter.
"Thank you Spencer really, you didn't have to" I say with a sleepy smile.
"No need to thank me, just doing my job" he replies with his signature straight smile.
"Well goodnight..try and get as much sleep as you can, if you need me I'll just uh be in here" he says as he points to his bedroom.
"Goodnight Spencer" I reply as I climb onto the bed.
He slightly nods his head in acknowledgment before walking off into his bedroom.
I pull the warm covers on top of me and try my best to preoccupy myself with thoughts other than the severed head found earlier.
Which was not working, but who could blame me.
However, soon enough I felt my eyelids start to get heavy, and I softly rested my head on a pillow and went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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