1- first impressions

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⠀:¨ ·.· ¨:⠀
⠀ '· . ୨୧⠀ "Gosh Freddy you're so-!" before finishing my sentence, the gate suddenly flew open and the boy i was scolding is now onto the floor in pain, laughing as i see him on the ground 'deserved'. "Are you okay?" a worried voice could be heard from the other side of the gate and in came a boy around the same age us holding a bike with a suitcase.

"Don't worry about it" Freddy reassures the other, still on the floor "Let me help you up" he sticks out his hand helping Freddy up from the floor "Thanks"

I give him a smug smile making fun of his fall in which he slightly hits my shoulder. "You must be the new people in apartment 20, right?" i ask "Yeah, i guess so"

"That's great" i give him a soft smile and held out my hand "I'm (y/n)(f/n) in apartment 21" he gives me a shake and looks over to Freddy "Freddy Fernandez, apartment 17" he introduces, shaking his hand.

"Daniel Larusso, apartment 20"

Upon hearing his voice you can tell he had an accent, an accent of a New Jersian's to be precise. he had brown eyes and the same shade for his hair, you could definitely tell he isn't Californian his whole appearance screams New Jersey.

I look over to the suitcase on the handle of his bike "Let me help" i offered reaching out for the suitcase. "Are you sure?" he asks putting his hand over mine, stopping me from taking it "It's fine i got it" i said giving him a smile, assuring him that i got it.

he looks at me for a second before finally taking his hand off mine, letting me hold it for him. Freddy starts leading us across the courtyard taking us to the stairs "So, where you from?" he says breaking the silence.

"Newark, New Jersey"

'Bingo' i slightly turn my head down hiding the smile on my face, before going back to look at Daniel "Woah, that's half the country!" i exclaimed "What are you doing here in Cali?"

"My mom got a new job with some company out here" he explains "Rocket science, flight of the future. I don't know"

"Never heard of it, have you?" Freddy asks, in which i just shrug in return "It's up and coming" the boy lessens his pace as we walk past the pool. i wouldn't really call it a pool since it's been dried out, dirty for a while. they never really gotten the time to clean it and fill it back up, now it just looks like a sad dump. every time i pass by i can't help but feel sad, and it seems like Daniel shares the same feelings too as his face gives off a disappointed look.

"Is this.. the only pool you guys got here?" Daniel asks, even the tone of his voice shows it. "Yup that's it" i say in a sad tone, but i can't help but crack a little smile at the empty pool. it's just so funny i don't know why. "What was that, karate?" Freddy says, trying to change the topic. "Yeah"

"Y/n knows, karate too" Freddy proudly says patting me on the shoulder. "Been doing it long?"

"Yeah, a while"

"Man you should see (y/n) in action, she's a master at it!" my cheeks slightly turn pink, flattered upon hearing the compliment. i wouldn't say im a master at it but i've been practicing with Mr. Miyagi ever since I moved to this place.

"Wow really?" Daniel arches his eyebrows in surprise "Yeah, she kicks ass man"

"So you better watch it, cause she's kicked mine a few times now" He warns, making both me and Daniel laugh "I'll sure be careful now" he says smiling at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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