11 - The Arrival

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While the Lagoon Company had set off on their own path, Emi and her group were already a few days ahead. As the sun began to set, Emi came out onto the deck of her boat, wearing a plain robe. Picking up a phone from a nearby table, she dialed in a number and called it.

"Emi, my darling.. it's been a while since you've called by phone. How have you been?"

"Splendid as usual."

"Ah, I should've known! Say.. I've heard word that you have embarked on some sort of voyage.. it seems rather exciting."

"It is quite that.. although on my end I've been getting chatter about someone wanting to intervene– but I don't know who.. so make sure to keep your eyes peeled."

"Don't worry, señorita.. I know what I'm doing."

"I sure hope so. Do recall what I've done for you over the time we've been business partners."

"Relax, my dear.. worrying too much can stress a person out.. just focus on the fact that you'll be making more profit than you have in years. You're an ambitious woman, Emi."

"Thank you for the compliment.. but this is all I have left to say. I'll let you go for now. Goodbye."

"Always so quick with saying goodbyes.. I'll talk to you later then, my beautiful Emi."


The current week was nearing its end, and forthe Lagoon Crew, they were getting closer and closer towards their intended destination. Most of their time on the water was being spent on two things– enjoying the free time they had left, and monitoring the area for any suspicious boats, or worse, any Coast Guard officials patrolling around.

Dustin and Revy stood on the dock, watching as their boat had finished crossing between the last portions of Africa and South America. To ensure that they didn't stop for anything, the crew changed positions every few hours to ensure everyone's safety.

"You holding up well, Rev?" Dustin said to her as he leaned against the railing. The female gunslinger was busy looking around with a pair of binoculars.

"Of course, Dustin. You worried about my well being?" Revy said back, lowering the binoculars down to look at him.

"That a problem?" Dustin said back.

"Do I look like some businessman's rich, spoiled daughter that needs a security team to follow her around every damn day?" Revy retorted, raising her brow in response as Dustin laughed to himself.

"Well, darling, you seem more like the other daughter– the rebel that doesn't know when to listen." Dustin joked in return with a smirk.

"You make another joke and you're going overboard." Revy growled, grabbing his shirt and pulling him close to really deliver her message. "And don't call me darling, you dipshit."

"Okay, spitfire. I'll lay off." Dustin replied as she let him go.

Dutch would eventually step out onto the deck, a cigarette on his lips as he looked at the two members of his. "Dustin, Rev. I need you guys to come inside. We're getting close to our landing zone and I want to debrief some things."

"Alright, alright, we'll be there in a sec!" Revy said back to Dutch, who nodded and walked back inside the cabin. "Damn Dutch, always the prim and proper, huh?"

"At least he's better than some bosses." Dustin said, grinning as they walked inside the cabin to see what was going on.

In the cabin were Dutch, Rock, Benny, and Feng. They were all seated around a small table, waiting for the final two members to sit down. Once Revy and Dustin did so, Dutch began the debriefing.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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