Introduction(background knowledge)

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Okiee sooooo anyways here is some stuff for later and now!

AU EXPLANATION:.................
When Tanjiro gets back from staying the night at the old persons house(forgot his name) and finds his family slaughtered, like in the show, he gets Nezuko and starts running blah blah. she doesn't turn into a demon but sh lives, she becomes a demon slayer blah blah. The rest will be explained I just don't wanna spoil too much

Original AU!! I can up with it myself (on how it plays out at least and blah blah) so be free to use the same idea when it comes to this stuff, it'll make more since on what's mine in this AU in a second 😅

Tanjiro's relationship with others:
Nezuko: His sister. Thinks she can save him if she could/can find him.
Giyuu: let's say that when his sister was alive and Sabito and the other girl(forgot her name😭) were alive they would hang out with Tanjiro's family a lot making them close. Thinks tanjiro is dead but wouldn't ever kill him if he saw him as a demon.
Zenitsu: Met him a few times but thinks he's super kind and thinks of Tanjiro as a brother to him since he treats him as an equal.

OC designs that are different(pictures aren't ever mine unless I say!!) :

OC designs that are different(pictures aren't ever mine unless I say!!) : Tanjiro:

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(Not much of the belly showing but cool design) /Nezuko:

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(Not much of the belly showing but cool design)

(Not much of the belly showing but cool design) /Nezuko:

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Yeahhh sooo yeahhh omg I need to stop yapping bro. I'm the biggest yapper you'll even meet- it's like huh😧. I'm literally yapping about yapping like huh?!?!?! Okay now I'm yapping about yapping about yapping. Chat help 😭😭😭😭😭😭 okay I'mma stop talking. Or typing? Texting? What the sigma 🤨

Anywaysssss enjoy bbs 🤍🫶🤍🫶🤍🫶🤍🫶

Demon prodigy; Demon TanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now