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Hel was late for lunch and hustled over to the café down the street. Connie wasn't inside waiting, and he took a quick look around before asking the man at the door.

"I'm afraid she was asked to leave, sir," he was told coldly. "We don't encourage her type to frequent our business."

It made him mad but Morgan kept his temper, ignoring the man's inquiries about getting him a table as he stalked out. The saloon was cool as he pushed through the bat-wing doors, smelling the fresh sawdust and whiskey. Behind the bar, the bartender looked up from polishing his shot glasses.

"We're not open-"

"Miss Connie around?"

"Who's askin'?"

"I am."

"Look, mister, this ain't no-"

"It's okay, Bart," she came around the corner of the bar from the back rooms. The deep red dress clung to her in tempting ways, highlighting her dark eyes and hair. "He's a friend." Her steady gaze held his. "Come on, we can talk back here."

Once in the back office, Connie hugged herself tight, looking at him from the window.

"Ah tried to wait for ya."

"I know, sorry I was late. Ran into some trouble."

"Ah saw the sheriff haulin' Payton off to jail."

"He's a troublesome fella." She looked away and the conversation stalled. Hel couldn't figure out why it was uncomfortable but didn't like it. "Connie, are you okay?"

"Sure, just... Ah think this was a bad idea, Hel."

"Why? Because some pious 'good' citizen decides he doesn't want you in his business? Who needs him? We can go somewhere else,"

"That ain't the point, Hel." Lips stiff, she looked at him then away. "They're all like that, ever' single one, an' Ah... Ah don't feel like bein' treated as less'n nothin'."

"You're saying no." His flat tone jerked her eyes up, the tears in them startling him.

"Ah hafta."



"No, you tell me why."

"It ain't gonna easier, not here, not anywhere. Ah'm a whor-"

"Don't." The harsh word snapped her mouth closed as he strode forward, grabbing her shoulders. "Don't you dare say that. What you do doesn't define who you are, and you can leave this behind, Connie. You can have a better life."

"Ya don't know what you're askin'."

A patient smile creased his features.

"Yes, I do, and I'm gonna keep telling you that until you believe me."

"It ain't about what Ah believe, or even what Ah want to believe, Hel, it's about the truth."

"Tell me the truth, then. What is this really about?"

Moving around him, she paced the room, hugging herself hard.

"When Ah saw ya in the doc's office... it was because Ah needed to see him. Ah... Ah'm in trouble, Hel."

Studying her, Morgan was silent a moment, then nodded with an understanding look.

"First time?"

"No, but probably my last. Doc don't like doin' it. Says it's dangerous. Ah don't know what else to do. Ah can't work with a," her rich voice dropped to a whisper. "... a baby,"

Hel MorganWhere stories live. Discover now