Oh Shit!

39 0 4

Profanity and alcohol warnings

(1077 words words sns, 💀💀💀)

Ft. Cherri Bomb, Angeldust, Alastor, Mimzy, Husk

Angeldust was sitting on the couch in the hotel lobby scrolling on his phone when an explosion blew the front door off its hinges, Angel, mostly unfazed by this somewhat common occurrence sat up off the couch and found himself looking at his best friend Cherri Bomb. "Cherri! What the hell you doing here?!" Angeldust asked excitedly "Well I'm here to take you for a night on the town ya fucker! I found an awsome new club by my place!" She responded. Angel barely thought about Cherri's offer, he wanted to keep sitting around and scrolling on his phone but a night on the town with his bestie sounded even better! "Alright! Lead the way bitch!" Angel said with a wide grin.

at the bar,

"ooh! Cherri! This place is the fuckin bomb!" Angel said as they settled at a booth "I know! I'm going to get us a another round of drinks I'll be right back" Cherri told angel getting up, he watched her scurry through the crowd toward the bar to order more drinks but for some reason she returned quickly empty handedly, "Hey, where the drinks Cherri? Were invisible shots free or somethin?" Angel teased her with a smirk, but as she sat down he noticed her slightly annoyed expression, "Hey? Whasup?" Angel asked, 

"The bartender was focused on one shithead and I couldn't get our shots sorry." 

"oh yeah? Who's the shithead? I'll give him a time he'll never forget anytime soon heh!" Angeldust said sleazily, emphasizing his legs and chest fluff with his arms,

"I don't think this shithead would listen," Cherri shook her head annoyedly and leaned closer to Angel "The Radio Demon is at the bar and everyone is too nervous to ask the bartender for drinks"

Angeldust look happily surprised "Alastor?! Ha! I thought he hated alcohol!"

"He was sittin with this little lady but she seemed to drink less than him!"

Angel laughed "Really!? Now this I gotta see! C'mon Cherri!" Angel got up and began walking toward the bar, Cherri quickly followed him.

Once there Angel noticed there was a gap between the area around Alastor and the crowd of drunk demons, 'Sober enough to look out for Mr. creepy face huh!' Angel thought with a smirk, he recognized Mimzy sitting and talking with Alastor. 

"Hey Al! Whatcha you doing here? I don't know you liked bars!" Angel said walking toward them a pair of his arms on his hips. "Ah! Angeldust! Funny seeing you here huh?" Alastor said turning around "Oh haiii! I remember you! You're from that tacky old hotel eh?" Mimzy asked Angel "Uh, yeah!" Angel responded, not liking the ways she described the hotel that he worked hard to defend from the extermination attempt, 

"Who's this with you Angeldust?" Alastor asked pointing with his cane toward Cherri Bomb, She smiled "I'm Cherri! Angeldust is my favourite bitch to hang with!" She said putting an arm around his shoulders and pulling his close "Interesting..!" Alastor answered almost ignoring her. 

"Hey! Bartender! Give us two more bottles of whiskey!" Mimzy demanded shrilly 

"I didn't know you drank Alastor! Why ya hiding out here?" Angel dust asked Alastor  "Oh I'm not hiding, I just barely drink, that's all!" Alastor responded his perpetual smile wide, "Oh ho! This one here used to drink with me when we were alive! You'd be surprised how hard it is for him to get the least bit tipsy!" Mimzy said pouring herself a drink from the bottle of whiskey the bartender left them. 

"Oh yeah? Well then I want to see spooky radio face drink 3 entire bottles of whiskey then!" Angel challenged 

"My my! That's much too easy for me!" Alastor said arrogantly "Fine! Five bottles and four shots of vodka!" Angel challenged once again "if you can do that I'll keep Niffty out of trouble at the hotel for a week!" Angel added "Is that a deal?" Alastor asked malevolently extending his hand Angeldust looked at Alastor's hand, softly glowing green, "What the hell? Fuck it! It's a deal!" Angel shook his hand but then Mimzy pulled Angeldust away to speak with him. 

"What the fuck was that!? He can easily drink rye but he gets really really drunk when he has anything else you dumbass!" Mimzy scolded him 

"So? What's wrong if he gets a bit drunk?" Angeldust shrugged, he squeaked in suprise when Mimzy grabbed him by the collar,

"LISTEN TO ME! You don't know what happens when he gets drunk! He can't really control much of anything then!" 

Angel looked at her and shrugged again "Who can when you're drunk?" 

"No! He looses control of everything ! That includes his power ya stupid fuck!"

"Oh shit, well how was I supposed to know?!" Angel said growing concerned

"I dont fucking know! It's your dumbass deal ya made!"

"Ugh! Let's just go back!" Angeldust groaned, he didn't want to drag a dangerous drunk demon back to the hotel, who knows what would happen.

They pushed through the crowd back to the bar to see Alastor waiting "Hello again you two." he greeted, "Anyway, let's begin" he said reaching for the unopened bottles of whiskey and Angel watched him intently as Alastor easily downed the first four bottles within 3 minutes and the fifth within 30 seconds. "Um, bartender..? We need four shots of vodka!" Angeldust called over the counter

Alastor sat cross legged with a bored, smug, smirk on his face as Angeldust grabbed all four shot gales with a different hand and handed them to Alastor who quickly drank each one, "Here we go again.."  Angeldust heard Mimzy mumble under her breath "Welp! I'm leaving!" Mimzy said hopping off the bar stool "You're on your own Angeldust!" She whispered behind her hand sharply before leaving, "Goodbye Mimzyyyy..!" Alastor slurred 'oh god, he's already drunk!' Angel thought nervously Alastor hiccuped and Angel noticed his antlers grew slightly and his eyes distorted into their radio dials 'oh shit!' Angel thought getting even more nervous "S-stay here Al, I'm going to find Cherri Bomb." Angel said as he hopped off his bar stool and began frantically searching the crowd for Cherri Bomb to help him.

After over 10 minutes of searching he couldn't find her, and too late he remembered Alastor 'oh shit!!' He squeezed through the crowd and finally got to the place he had left Alastor andddd he was gone, angel panicked and couldn't stop from shouting...

"OH SHIT!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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