Episode - 14

316 18 16

In morning

Pavel's house

Pooh's pov ( point of view ) :

I woke up alone and pavel's heavy black blanket wrapping me up and then I sitting up slowly and slightly try to crack my bones


I blinked my eyes slowly

and try to seeing front of me


suddenly I heard one of familier voice behind me

this Pavel he said to me

Pavel : good morning baby , you're up already huuuuu


I see Pavel closing the door behind him


I said to him softly

hmmmmm , good morning phi


I saw him

Pavel placed a cup of tea in my hands and his own cup on the desk nearly empty and then Pavel sit down beside me and start to continued cleaning a gun that lay on the desk .

even I noticed this Pavel wear all black again today and his hair still looked wet from the shower and How long he had been awake really

hmmmmm definitely long enough that's why he shower and get dressed already and too be fair I didn't even know what time it was


Pavel said to me again

Pavel : you sleep well baby boy

a hint of concern in his voice and his eyes seemed to look straight into my head and examining every single thought of mine

Fuck , I had definitely talked in my sleep because I had known for a while that I did that and it started from panic attacks I would get in the middle of the night lol sometimes that happening so easily

thats why I asked him

hmmmmm phi what did I say

I asked him with embarrassed


Pavel chuckled and said to me

Pavel : no baby , don't worry, you just said random words but you did say my name at one point which makes me happy hehe

I took a sip of tea and relaxed back into the bed and I couldn't place what I was feeling right now but the closest I could get to was safety and I was comfortable here of course so what's problem

I didn't remember what I'd dreamed about. but it hadn't been anything bad let's pray it


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