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Yibo you can work in a flower shop xue yang said

But who give me job yibo said

I know one person who give you work on flower shop xue yang said

Really thanks bro yibo said

Come on bro xue yang said

In other hand

i know it is difficult for you but you do it now one lady tell on phone

Ye yess madam i will try other person said

Ok lady rudely cut the call

Mom who in call  man suddenly come said to lady

Oh wangji i think you don't come today lady said to avoid wangji questions

Why i don't wangji ask

I think you and eva go in date  lady said

You know i don't want to date anyone wangji said

Why you forget him he doesn't care about you lady said

You know it he hate me because of me not anyone else  wangji said and go on room because he don't show his tears infront of his mom

Wangji lady Said and think on mine i Know son you miss yuan i know your feeling but not more only some day then yuan always stay here them you marry eva and live happily with you son and wife

In park

Ge i want chocolate ice cream yuan said yubin

So i will take for you yubin go in icecream shop

I also want ice cream ziyi said 

But gege was gone yuan said

So i will go to take my ice cream   ziyi said

5 min later

Yuan felt boring so he go outside the area of park  just like that he go in road

In road
Suddenly in hear one sound when he turned he saw one car in come near him

I hope you like it .

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