the disord meet

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"Have you ever heard of... Discord?" Your friend asks over call

"I've heard of it.... Whyy??"You answer

"Because, F/N has it, and you know they have their phone taken away... they have it on their laptop. You should get it!"

"Ok..." you press the download button and turn it on... seems normal... and you fall asleep.

Wake up to a friend request... who is Yourb1gdaddy71??? YOLO!!! You accept the friend request..

"Heyy~.." the unknown accout types to you. "Hai!!" You type back "how old are you?" "Y/A" you start to get nervous."I'm 64~.."


"Excuse me...what." you type "oh.. I'm sorry hun.. I shall leave if that's what you would like.." you knew that was a lie "it's fine, but just don't be... weird."you type back


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