The nameless omega wailed when the cold cloth wrapped around his thigh. His whines were not entertained as the pupils of the main doctor of the crown wrapped more cold clothes to prevent bleeding, soon his body was covered with medicinal plant paste to soothe and prevent any possible infections. They made him gulp the pills forcibly. Finally, they let him rest while covering his body with the banana leaves.

The naked omega lay alone for two nights in the underground rooms of servants covered in dried banana leaves, the pot hanging above his head filled with warm herbal water sprinkling water all over his body.

On the third day, omega opens his eyes for the first time, the light entering the room blinds him. He groans and rubs his eyes and tries to adjust his vision. He looks around with fear, not finding anyone around him calms him but at the same time not knowing where he is makes him wake up from the table. He looks at himself, being so vulnerable, naked for anyone makes him Shriek. He pulls the cloth spread on the table making all the ingredients fall on the floor, he wraps the cloth around him.

The sound made a few people rush into the room, omega hid behind the tables not knowing who all these people were.  Joo Hyuk, Empress Regnant's servant enters making all other servants bow at him.

" Hey, omega why are you hiding behind the tables? Come here, let us see your face properly "

Omega shakes his head as no, a tiny whine comes out of his mouth making all the servants laugh out loud.

" Oh my!!! Are you scared of us?? We are all beta would you react in front of an alpha then??"

One more servant makes fun of the scared omega.

" shhh come here I am ordering you, right now come here otherwise consequences will be different "

Omega slowly gets up and takes a few hesitant steps head hanging down.

" Lift your face let us see you"

" Oh my god, he is crying. He is such a baby "0

" what do you expect from an omega? I heard he looked like many alphas ate him well and threw him in the forest when Hyuk Hyung found him " 

" Hmm, should we keep him for ourselves, I don't think any alpha wants to touch the used omega "

All the voices shut down when Joo Hyuk lifts his finger in the air, signing everyone to keep quiet. He signals two betas to take this omega for a bath.

He is there waiting to see the cleanly washed omega in a properly dressed manner. It takes 40 minutes for the servants to come back with omega.

Joo Hyuk forgets to breathe looking at the omega, the cheap cloth looks so fine on the omega as if he owns the color, his build is thin maybe he didn't get to eat for months, and he looks so fragile as if anyone touches him he will break into hundreds of pieces, his eyes are captivating, long eyelashes makes him look so innocent, the broad forehead, curls settling loosely on side of his natural rosy cheeks, his lips are so plump and no one can escape from sinning just to touch them, once in a lifetime...oh the aura he carries around him is so alluring any alphas will go crazy for this omega.

" Take him to the doctors tell them Joo Hyuk orders them to check on this omega's virginity, and also his capacity to conceive "

Omega looked startled hearing them but he couldn't protest when another male dragged him out of the room. Joo Hyuk wonders why the Empress Regnant ordered him to get omega checked as soon as he regains consciousness. Is he going to be the new concubine for the Emporer? But won't his beauty cause chaos among all concubines?

It takes another 30 minutes for them to check on Omega, and they come back with news astonishes everyone, that omega is a virgin, not even scented by anyone, and no Alpha hands ever traced over him, and he is fertile to give as many as births his alpha wants.

Joo Hyuk won't take more time before informing the Empress Regnant, waking him from the lovely sleep.

" Bring him over"  Empress Regnant, Park Jimin orders.

The omega was brought to the luxurious room that existed in the palace, well anybody could tell it was a luxurious room on earth. Park Jimin made sure of that. It's his wedding gift from the Emperor himself.

Jimin signals his servant to start the  interrogation

" what's your name?"

" Jin"

" Family name"

" I don't have any family"

" Where are you from?"

" I don't know.......they have been exporting me for higher money...but I I don't know from where they exported me and what this place right now I am in...i don't know"

" What's your next plan?"

" I don't know...runaway.... away to somewhere nobody notices me "

" I will help you" Jimin's voice sounds as sweet as possible

" I...i don't know who you are looks like I'm in the palace or some rich nobleman's place...i am scared....why you will help me?"

Jimin is surprised by Jin's questions, he thought by the look of Omega he might know only how to say yes when Alphas orders him to open his mouth.

" I am also an omega like you and also an emperor Regnant carries a lot of responsibilities towards the commoners of our dynasty. Yes, I can understand your concerns but you just need to believe me"

" I...thank you"

" I will let you stay here in the palace, the safest place exists for you "

" Thank you, Your Royal Highness. I will always remember your grace. Thank you."

Jin bows his head, almost touching the floor which brings a sweet smile to Jimin's face.

" All you have to do to stay here is.... carry King Jeon Jungkook's pup "

Jimin's words leave Jin thunderstruck. He looks back at him forgetting the lowly man can't make eye contact with the Royal Highness.


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