Chapter 29

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I paced across the room as I stared at the Staff. With each step, a soft echo of my shoes would cascade through the castle reminding me of how alone I was but in reality, I was never truly alone. The Staff of Hodr carried something within it and in it was none other than Hodr. I didn't know if it was his soul or him completely trapped within the cursed object. Many questions raced through my mind. Unfortunately, they were left unanswered.

For nights, I tried to remember the lessons of the Staff my father gave me but there was nothing about Hodr's soul being in the Staff. Surely, he wouldn't have hid that from me. After all, that was an important detail. I questioned if I  was just imagining things because I only saw Hodr that night. The only reason why I didn't question it was because of the feeling. The way the hairs on the back of my neck were always up, the air around me felt colder, and the watchful gaze of the powerful force lingered in the air.

And what was worse? I couldn't release myself from the Staff. If the influence of the Staff ever affected anyone, my father always instructed me to reflect on the happier times of the affected's life. Casting the one under its influence with a ray of light, hope, and love was always enough to rid away the Darkness but it wasn't working for me. When I tried to expel my emotions and allow myself to remember the good things in my life, I only felt pain. My body trembled as though I was stuck in the middle of a snowstorm without any kind of warm clothing to protect me. I allowed myself to fall deeper than I thought, believing I was in charge of the Staff.

I thought about going to Thor or Odin for help only once but I felt terrible pain inside my head and heart. The pain was so excruciating I'd fall to my knees screaming in pure agony, begging for it to end. The pain would only stop if I didn't think about letting go of the Staff. If the Staff was able to feel my intention that meant it was able to read my thoughts as well. I had truly trapped myself in its grasp without realizing it.

Would Thor help me if he knew I took the Staff? No, he would take it away and throw me in prison. That's what he did to me when he found Jane, so why wouldn't he do it again? And it appeared Thor had found another to warm his bed. I always thought Thor was blessed in some way. He always received praise, appreciated by all, and never got the short end of the stick. Only, I was his short end of the stick when it came to an arranged marriage. He wanted to love who he chose but was stuck with me.

Hodr didn't appear before me for months—which I didn't mind but even though he wasn't present, I could feel something watching me. I was a mouse scurrying through the field, hiding in the long grass with hopes of not being seen but the hawk continued to circle the sky waiting for the perfect time to strike me down.

'You will not get solace remaining in this prison,' I heard the voice say. I stopped pacing as a cold shiver trailed up my spine. 'Make use of your plans now. The man who brought you pain remains loved and praised while you rot away and waste your time weeping for a man who never deserved your tears.'

Sighing, I knew I couldn't stay in the castle much longer. I didn't want to endure the pain the Staff could bring me. Now that I knew the Staff and Hodr were with me in this manner, perhaps I could find a way to gain some control. I concealed the Staff and decided to visit Norway. I was dressed as a civilian and paid no mind to the humans walking through the small square. I needed to follow through with my plan. If I wanted to prove Thor wasn't the man he claimed to be, I would need to destroy the things he cherished most. All that was left was Asgard and Midgard. However, destroying Asgard would be a death sentence because of Odin which only left Midgard. Midgard was Thor's new home and his family was the Avengers. I removed Jane from his life. Though he may care for her, it was solidified they would never be together unless Thor gave up his heroic career—which he wouldn't be able to do even if he tried.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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