Year 3- Chapter 13: A Failed Product No Longer

208 12 3

: Speech
- Thoughts
OAA Cards/Messages/Calls/Results

Chiori POV

Chiori was sitting on a bench engrossed in her own thoughts. Suzune saw her sitting there and sat next to her.

Chiori: Horikita-Senpai?

Suzune: You actually beat Kiyotaka. It's hard to believe.

Chiori: Even after besting my Brother I don't feel happy. I just feel empty. I don't know what to do now or where to go. I feel like I've reached my destination but also that I'm right back where I started.

Suzune: I'm not sure I understand but Kiyotaka tells me that you've been unable to move past your days in the White Room.

Chiori: So you know about that place?

Suzune: That place is despicable. I'd burn it to the ground if I could but I'll leave such things to people like you and Kiyotaka. 

Chiori: I don't understand. How can he be happy after everything that's happened to him?

Suzune: This school offered him a haven. Somewhere out of his father's reach. The people he met during his time here gave him a sense of attachment. He may not show it but he loves this school from the bottom of his heart. I've seen him root out the White Room from this school. Amasawa and Shigenori were the only exceptions because they chose to not oppose either side.

Chiori: What are you trying to say?

Suzune: Right now you think of this school as a battlefield but this place can be a haven for you as well. If you treat it as such.

Chiori: If I treat it as such...

Suzune: This is only your first year. No one can expect that from you yet. I doubt Kiyotaka felt that way until the end of his first year at this school. But right now I think he'd protect this school as much as possible.

Chiori: You say it's because of the people he met but now that you've told me that it's obvious.

Suzune: What is obvious?

Chiori: The one who changed him. It's you.

Suzune blushes.

Suzune: I... changed him? I suppose I did. I suppose you'll eventually meet someone just the same as him then.

Chiori: I find that hard to imagine.

Suzune: I'm sure he did as well.

Chiori: Horikita-Senpai. You came to speak to me because he asked, didn't you?

Suzune: Yes.

Chiori: Does he speak of me that often?

Suzune: At first he did speak of you here and there but since the sports festival all I hear coming from his mouth is about you.

Chiori blushes in embarrassment.

Chiori: I see.

Suzune: You're a lot more expressive than him. He told me that you are not the same as him. While he has difficulty expressing his emotions you simply hide them well. 

Chiori: He's gotten a read on me, has he?

Suzune: I did tell him that he simply needs to spend more time with you and get to know you.

Chiori: You're an amazing person Horikita-Senpai. I guess that there really is no need to hold a grudge against him. He's become a wonderful person.

Chiori- Unlike me.

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