[ 01 ] april shower

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pit-a-pat .

If there's a beauty tip to wear sunscreen 365 days a year—rain or shine. To carry an umbrella whenever stepping outside, regardless of the circumstances, is undoubtedly a survival imperative during the month of April.

Fuming in anger, Eunji stormed out of the house following a squabble with her sister, Hyejin. Normally, she would have dashed upstairs to seclude herself in her room, but with her adversary swiftly in pursuit, it seemed imprudent to follow suit. Almost instinctively, she found herself striding in the antithetical direction, exiting through the front door.

Allowing the situation to absorb her entirety and unleashing a vibrant tapestry of swear words, Eunji was greeted by the comforting vista of the park. She opted for a leisurely stroll, hoping to quell the tumultuous fury within.

             Unfortunately, at times, the universe seems to conspire with a mischievous streak.

The abrupt downpour caught her off guard—a fact well established, as Eunji detests surprises. It's not that she lacks affection for rain, she adores its soothing rhythm when safely ensconced in her bed. However, its charm diminishes when it stealthily creeps up, only to burst forth unannounced, leaving her drenched and marooned with a painfully grazed knee.

"How freaking eventful." She groaned, casting a glance at her injury upon reaching the shelter she had sprinted towards, just moments before her stumble.

As she sat there, attempting to disregard the sharp sting and the growing tightness within her chest, she suppressed a sob, holding back the tears that welled up in her eyes.

Adding another one to the list. She despises the contradiction of feeling intense anger yet ending up in tears like a pathetic loser.

With her head bowed, strands of her tousled brown hair nearly obscured her face.

"Eunji, there you are." Panted a familiar voice, catching her off guard. As she lifted her gaze, she was taken aback to find the least expected person to show up at the threshold of the shed—Sim Jaeyun.

"Shit." She muttered under her breath, swiftly turning aside to dab at her tear-streaked cheeks. When she faced him once more, her eyes narrowed in suspicion, "What are you doing here?"

Adding yet another item to today's ever-expanding list, she concedes that this surpasses all: her aversion to being seen in a state of vulnerability.

"I saw you leaving the house right after we pulled into aunt Miyeon's driveway. I'm telling you, I've never seen you walk so fast. You disappeared when I got out of the car."

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⏰ Last updated: 12 hours ago ⏰

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