T.P.S Episode 2: The Unleashed Force

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As they walked 10 more steps and they have arrived at the Ruin that is in a circular form, The Ruins have 100m and they tried to search for the Ancient Stones.

Until they found a strange Gate with some circular fences that is on the middle of the Circular Ruins and a Mysterious Woman who is guarding the Gates.

They walked near the Gates and the Woman welcomed them.

Unknown Woman: Hello fellow travellers are you the one of what the prophecy said ? I'm sure that you guys are the ones.

Haiuko:What do you mean by that? What prophecy?

Unknown Woman: The Last Prophecy Scroll, it is a prophecy that has said to happen when the few 7 individuals that have the Blood of God's Child, you guys should step and to be granted with unique abilities that have a mission to save the earth and prevent the evil from rising, It was also said that the God's Child who stepped on the Ancient Stone will be granted with those and it must be their respective and specific stones to work.

Haiuko:Oh I get it now so you're saying that you feel something within us?

Unknown Woman:Yes

Haiuko:I see

Hajou:By the way what's your name?

Unknown Woman: I'm Fheya the Gatekeeper of the Prophesied Ancient Stone

Haiuko:Prophesied? Are you saying that we're one in of those prophecy?


Fheya:Wait! I forgot to say that there were already 4 of you guys inside the Gates of the Prophesied Ancient Stones.

Hajou:I see so we need to go there quickly? And chase after them so that we could get our abilities before the energy of Awakening fades?

Fheya: Yeah you got it!

Haiuko: Let's hurry there

Hajou: Okay let's go!

They two hurried and ran towards inside the Gates and finally they stepped into the remaining two ancient stone that have their names.

All of the 6 God's Children were shocked when they found out that there was a blank ancient stone in the middle that have no person in it.

*They felt an energy that radiates through them*

*The ancient stone moves making the ground shake 7 symbols were revealed showing each others unique abilities except of the blank ancient stone. it has a blank color*

The middle ancient stones emits a High energy and aura that surround the Gates and Fences with smoke and a dark light emerges from the stone, from the bottom to the top of the sky when it hits the sky the whole sky and clouds became dull and heavy starting a rain and thunders.

*Changes scene* A man named Jaul was in the middle of a meeting at a dining table sitting, eating while talking to his

*A black aura goes inside him and he feels dizzy and he said*

Jaul: Excuses me, could I go to the bathroom for a few minutes?

??? His Worker or BlaBla:Sure, I'll wait you here for a while.

*Jaul stands up and walks through the bathroom*

*Inside the bathroom, he washes his face, thinking it would wash away his dizziness, but he fell to the  due to the high energy the dark aura emits*

His Worker got tired of waiting for hours and he decided to knock on the door where Jaul went.

His partner in work:Hey! *knocks* You've been there for hours, what's going on? *His Worker continues to knock until he opens the door and Jaul wasn't there, *The windows were opened*

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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