Chapter 1

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In Tokyo , the capital of Japan , in the house of Nobi , Nobita was sleeping soundly even when doaremon was shaking him terribly , the clock on the table was ringing loudly signifying that it was the time of his school but he was still asleep. " Wake up Nobita , look it's already five minutes past 7:30 . You are going to be late ." he said shaking him but nobita just smiled in his sleep showing that he was having a good dream . A vein popped on doaremon's head and he stood up . " Fine I wont wake you up ." he said in anger and stormed down . But on his way his anger vanished again replaced by worry , he turned back with a sigh and went to wake nobita again.

" Nobita , doaremon , breakfast is ready ." a female voice came from . " Okay mom." doaremon said and looked back at nobita before sighing again and punching him in the head instantly waking nobita up with a yelp of pain . Nobita opened his eyes and glared at doaremon but before he could yell, the sound of alarm came in his ears and he on instinct looked at clock to have wide eyes . " I'm late!" he shouted and dashed down the stairs causing doaremon to sigh and shake his head . He was seriously worried over nobita. With nobita's current behavior , it was most certainly impossible that his future was going to be changed a bit. He needed to give him a lecture soon. He again sighed and also went downstairs . Nobita hurriedly ate the breakfast " Nobita slow down or you will choke ." his mom said . " Your mom is right , slow down " now his father said from his chair on the table. But he ate at the same pace and took the last piece of bread along with his backpack . He ran out of the door " I'm going ." his voice came in the house and now all left members in the house sighed at his antics.

" Miyamoto " an gruff voice called out in a classroom . " Present ." the boy said and the teacher marked the attendance before calling out the next name " Nobita ." but no answer came . Teacher looked up " Nobita " he said but still no answer came . A girl wearing a pink skirt along with pink blouse looked back at the empty seat in worry. She had two short ponies . " Sir nobita is again late ." a boy who had a face like a fox in green shirt and brown shorts said with a smirk . " He must have overslept again ." a tan fat boy in orange shirt with white stipe and black pants said causing the whole class to laugh. They both also laughed . They were Suneo and Gian . The teacher also sighed and at cue the door of class opened to reveal a panting nobita . " You are late again nobita , just how many times are you going to do this ?" sir asked in scolding tone causing nobita to look down . " Sorry sir I overslept." he said provoking another wave of laughter from the class . In the whole class only shizuka and dekisuki weren't laughing .

Nobita looked at the ground in sadness and anger . " Come in and don't let it happen again ." sir said with a sigh . Nobita nodded slowly and came in before sitting in his chair. He opened his backpack and looked up to see shizuka sending him a smile of reassurance . He returned her smile softly and went back to unpacking . Gian and Suneo were smirking as they already had a plan for nobita . The routine until break passed the same for nobita with the usual scolding of sir . The bell ran signifying that it was break now . Everyone ate the lunch but nobita just stirred the contents with fork . Shizuka's eye caught something and she looked back at nobita and saw that he was not eating anything , he also looked downcast. She felt sad and was about to go and talk to him but dekisuki came up to her " Oh shizuka are you free this evening ?" he asked causing her to look at him forgetting about nobita . She thought before nodding with a smiled " Yes I am free but why?" she asked . Dekisuki smiled " Well I wanted you to come to my house , I wanted to study with you." he said causing her to nod with a smile " Okay dekisuki , I'll come ." she said .

Meanwhile she was talking to dekisuki, gian placed a hand on nobita's shoulder and squeezed strongly causing nobita to double over in pain " Nobita if you don't want to eat then I'll be happy to finish it for you." he said with a smirk and nobita could only stare at his desk as gian took his lunch away. Suneo was confused , he had expected nobita to retort with gian and then finally cry but was surprised as nobita looked only at his desk and nothing more. " Suneo lets go ." gian said while going out of the classroom causing suneo to flinch and run towards gian . Shizuka didn't knew but she was also walking with dekisuki out of the class. While nobita was the only one left in the classroom and he could only feel loneliness as well as sadness . There was also an hint of self loathe in it. He just sat there and kept thinking for what seemed like eternity before walking out of the classroom with his shoulders slumped and his hands in his pockets . He continued looking at the ground while walking . It was like his body was on autopilot mode and he came in the playground and was about to sit on the step where he always sat . He sat unknowingly cutting a string which was connected to a nearby pole and finally to the bucket of water which was turned dropping all the water on nobita .

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