ch-15 : A team

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Charles POV:-
I and Iris have been friends since high school. But yeah I'm not that old I am the same age Eric. Eric and I also now each other. But I might tell yall how we know each other in the future... but I have to say iris has turned more cuter now...

"I'm glad you were able to recognize me..."I say while smiling

"Yeah!, you have changed a lot now, you were so thin before.." she says

"So I'm fat now??!" I ask

"No.! No! I didn't mean it that way!..." she says. I know that but I was just trying to joke around

"Well I'll introduce them.." I say " This is Chester..." I say while pointing

"Hi!" Chester waves his hand

"And this is Sean and that is Patrick!" They say hi as I say their names.

"No offense, but yall have wired names." Iris says to us

"You're name is weird too.." Sean says

"It's not weird!, Iris stands for rainbow." She say

"I guess you're not dumb after all!" I say while giggling

"And if you read Iris upside-down than it siri ; iPhone's virtual assistant.." Chester interrupts us and says. Well that's true tho.

"Hey siri, can I fly?" I ask Iris to just piss her off.

"Yeah! You can, after I kill you.." she replies

"Than I will have to arrest you!" I say

"What!, after you die you're spirit will come and arrest me.???!!" She says while getting pissed off

"Maybe..." I reply

"And one more thing.. who are you to arrest me??" She askes me

"I'm a police officer; Well type of a police officer but we are actually detectives and they are my teammates.." I reply

"Well if yall are done...than can we talk about yesterday night not this rubbish!!" Eric says in a cold tone

"Sure!" I reply

"Iris come here and sit!" Sean tells Iris

"So did you see who that man was??" I start asking

"No!,it was dark and also he had his face fully covered." She replies

"Do you have any clue like, did he have any tattoos or something?" Patrick askes her. Well that's a good question

"No!, but he was wearing a Hoddy... and I think that Hoddy didn't cost much, but I have to say he doesn't have any fashion sense." She replies. And seriously this girl is crazy. There that person was going to kill her and here she is thinking about the cost of the Hoddy. Like seriously anything

"If I was there in your place, I would have told him this.." Chris says. Wow one wasn't enough so the other one joins in. And bro what do you even expect... that man would wear fansy clothes to kill her

"How do you even handle them...." I say to Eric, getting fed up

"Don't even ask..." he says with a sigh

"What time did this happen?!" Chester askes Eric

"Something at 4..." Eric replies

"Did you see him?" I ask Eric

"No!, he went before I could enter her room...." he replies

"For now we will go Back and investigate a little more on this and inform yall soon..." I say while we get up to leave. We than say bye to all and go

Iris POV:-
I was starving now. I want to eat something!

"I'm hungry." I say

"Well you look cute" Chris says. I wonder from where did this cute word come in the middle

"Uh?, what do you mean...?" I ask

"That night dress suits you a lot...." he says while smirking. Oh my god.. I forgot to remove my night dress!! This is so embarrassing. Charles and the others also saw me in my nightdress. Plz god let me travel back in time....I am so embarrassed

"Couldn't yall tell me this before!!!!" I yell at then and storm off to my room.

Time skips~

Later after having a bath and changing my clothes, I go down stairs. I see Mr Andrew waiting for me with the other. I go near him

"I heard what had happened!, are you okay iris??" Mr.Andrew askes me

"Yeah!,I'm fine!" I reply with a smile

"This is why I say yall should have few maids and bodyguards" Mr.Andrew say

"We have 2 bodyguard already!" Lucas tell Mr.Andrew

"They only stand outside our dorm,near the door; nothing else.." Mr.Andrew replies

"We have a hulk na!" Chris says

"Hulk?! Who is that?" Mr.Andrew askes. I, Chris, Noah and lucas look at Eric. Mr.Andrew also follows our gaze and look at Eric

"Aree, he is not a hulk!, he is a prince but sadly he was not able to save his princess" Noah says to us. We all laugh

"Just shut up!,and no maids or this idiot are already so lazy, than if they come than don't even ask!" He says in a cold tone

"Come on leader; there must be one of us who is not an idiot!!" Chris says to Eric

"There is!" He replies

"Who?" I ask

"Ellie!" He replies. Wow few days ago tho she was his furry monster. "Staying with me she learned something, not like yall idiots" Eric continues

"Oh my god!, do yall always argu like this??" Mr.Andrew askes

"Yeah!" I and Chris says together

"when will yall try to become a proper team!?, no other team fights like yall!" Mr.Andrew say trying to make us understand

"Yeah, but we are different!" Noah replies

"Should I remove your Leader and add a new one?" Mr.Andrew askes. We all turn and look at Eric. "I'm serious you guys!" He say.......

To be continued....
(* ̄▽ ̄)ノ~~ ♪

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