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Blair POV.

George walks up to me and stands still.

Robert is very unreliable; he looks at me, then at my brother, sensing the tension, and immediately slips away.

I cross my arms and glance around casually. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm on a business trip."

I almost laugh. "You, a CEO, on a business trip to be a skydiving instructor?"

In recent years, my foster mother has become increasingly active in politics, and there are rumors that she is about to become the mayor of our capital.

My foster father is old now, and is still nominally the president of the Emerson Group, but he is either fishing or traveling every day. George now manages the entire group.

George takes off his sunglasses, frowning. "You have two choices. One, turn around and leave. Two, I take you skydiving."

I sneer, "I choose the third one: you leave now and disappear from my sight right."

Then I turn and walk towards the helicopter. But just before the cabin door closes, George steps in. The helicopter starts roaring, the wings spinning rapidly, stirring up wind and dust.

We head towards the sea. Under the sunlight, the sea shimmers with golden waves.

George talks to the pilot for a a while, then grabs me and starts fastening my safety harness.

I struggle, and he looks up at me, speaking calmly, "I can also ask the pilot to turn back now."


I grab the goggles next to me and put them on, then turn to look outside at the sky.

As the helicopter reaches the jumping altitude, the cabin door opens, and strong wind rushes in.

Right now, I am four thousand meters vertically above the ground. The city by the coast looks as small as LEGO blocks, and the wind is so strong it almost blows me out of the cabin.

I stand by the cabin door, holding onto the handrail, looking at the clouds below. I can't help but swallow.

George stands behind me, and I can feel the warmth of his chest against my back. He holds onto the upper cabin door with one hand and places my hand on the chest strap with the other, telling me to hold on tight.

"Scared?" His voice cuts through the loud wind and the noise of the rotating wings, warming my ears with a slight temperature.

"No," I say quietly to hide my fear.

"Your heartbeat is fast."

I can't help but glance sideways and see him looking at the heart rate monitor on my wrist.

I glare at him.

George says, "Close your eyes, don't be afraid, I'm here."

And then we fall together.

The wind blows across my face, and clouds surround me. The sea hides behind the clouds, like a long-dormant blue monster waiting to swallow me whole.

Suddenly, I remember George saying the same words to me before.

He found me in the old mansion's confinement room and took me to the hospital. I had many dreams that night, and when I woke up, I started crying.

He asked me at the bedside if I was in pain, and then stood up to call the doctor.

I grabbed his sleeve and said I just dreamed about my grandma.

I asked him where grandma was, and I wanted her to take me home. He sat down, touched my forehead, and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

My Brother, The Devil ✔Where stories live. Discover now