Asi's truth

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This story is about Asi and one of her parents. Im not gonna spoil anything. Enjoy reading:)

It was evening. Asi was at Tolga's bar with Rüya. They were working. Helping Tolga a bit. She hadn't seen Alaz for 2 days and she really missed him. The bar was almost empty.

Her phone rang, she grabbed it to see who called.

It was Alaz. She got all exited So she picked up.
"Güzelim, naber?"
" Iyi sen?"
" Did you miss me a bit Asi kiz"
" come and see yourself.."
This side of Asi, Alaz liked a lot
" Im telling you something, if I wont see you in max an hour Ill freak out. "
Asi couldn't hold back her smile anymore
"You wanna do something fun today?"
" sure!"
She didn't care about what they would be doing. As long as she would be with him. Everything was fine
"'okay I'll be on my way to pick you up"
Bye bye"

Asi hang up. She was blushing so hard. Rüya saw it.
She walked towards asi" was it Alaz?" She said in a teasing way.
Asi just smiled.
" Asi ill tell you something. Ive never seen him this happy...." Asi smiled even brighter.
" did you use a spell on him?" They started to laugh

" You came into his life and made everything beautiful.... I hope you realize how you changed him! I dont know what you did or how you did it, but it worked" 


They kept talking until a rich woman entered the bar. She was wearing light brown/ nude trousers with the same colour blazer on top. A white blouse underneath it. White loafers and a white bag. She had a very beautiful innocent face. Asi couldn't explain. You know sometimes when you meet people and they have a kind face? Thats exactly what this woman had. You can't explain why this person looks kind to you, but its just a feeling. This gut feeling is barely wrong. She had dark brown eyes and short brown hair. Her hair parted in the middle. Cansu was her name.

This woman, was here for something. After 20 years she arrived where she belonged to. She should haven been there earlier. Its her home. Her place .... She was Asi's mother.

Cansu was stressing a lot. She didn't know how to approach Asi... or what to say... or how to tell her story. Even tho some things that happened in her past were justifiable, she knew she had no right to be there... but she wanted to see her daughter. Finally after 2o years of living in the dark. Her life didn't make sense for the past 20 years. They told her she lost her baby after giving birth. She finally got rid of that cruel lie. She knows its too late, but cansu can't let go of her daughter.All she had was one recent picture of Asi, her dad gave before he passed away.

Asi looked at that woman " ruya... is it just me or does it look like she isn't okay?" Ruya looked at the woman. She didnt really notice something. " I think shes doing good" Asi couldnt get it over her heart to not ask if she was doing okay. So she stood up and walked towards her.

" Hello miss... are you okay? You seem a little bit stressed. I might be wrong" she kept looking at Asi without a single word leaving her mouth. She just starred.... It started to get black in front of her eyes. She almost fell. Asi grabbed her hand. " Siz Iyi misinis?" She said with a worried tone. " Iyim iyim.... Uhm .... You dont know me, but could we talk for a couple minutes?" Asi was a little bit shocked. Why did she want to talk to her? Her face had a confusing gaze
" Sure?" Asi walked her towards an empty table. There were barely people there so they could talk in peace.

Cansu sat down. Her hands were on the table and trembling a bit. Asi noticed " Ill bring you a glass of water"

Asi stood up and went to the bar where ruya was. While grabbing some water, she looked at Rüya. " this woman isnt really doing well. She wanted to talk to me, but I dont know why?" Ruya gave asi a flabbergasted look " Strange.... You're sure you never met before? " Asi looked at her " 100%"
" well call me if I can help okay?" Rüya said " tamam"

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