chapter 4.

116 10 6

 | from one friend to another |

"suna controlling?" semi asked with a mouthful of food.

you sat across the cafe table and watched him dog macaroons one by one. "just wait until you digest that"

he signaled his finger and gulped. "ah~ as i was saying-"

"i can see why he got like that. i mean- no one likes hearing bad qualities about themself" semi said

"but i don't think he's necessarily controlling"

"right?" you said

"i mean i see assertive" akaashi added while coming to the table with bokutu

"right" bokutu nodded, "it's giving...i'm the man."

you laughed, "anyways-"

"whenever we try to talk, he's so dismissive and wants things to go his own way"

"controlling." the trio all said at the same time

"that therapist might be onto something" akaashi said

"probably" you slid down in your seat. you checked the time on your phone and tapped your foot underneath the table. 

"look." semi's hand reached for yours on the table, "you guys will get through this- that therapist knows what she's doing. she helped solved me and miyu's situation"

"yeah by breaking up" bokuto coughed

akaashi pushed his shoulder and stared at him. semi scoffed, "just think positive."

"i'm heading to the restroom"

you watched semi get up and turned back at akaashi and bokuto. "was that really necessary?"

"he's a mess." bokuto stated, "ever since he found out that she's been cheating he hasn't been the same."

"akaashi?" you looked at him, "help me out?"

"he's right y/n"

you rolled your eyes, "you guys have ups and downs right?"

"yes but we don't end up sleeping at our friends house" akaashi looked at you

"fuck 'sleeping there'. she LIVES there-" bokuto choked on his croissant 

as akaashi was helping bokuto come back to life, you sat there and thought about what they had just said. if i really want this to work i have to confront suna about it, whether he wants me there or not. were still together anyways. 

semi stepped back in and grabbed his jacket from his seat. "wanna take that to go? we can drive around before heading back"

"oh okay" you picked up your food and said your goodbyes to akaashi and bokuto. 

semi searched his car keys in his jacket pocket and press the unlock button. you stood next to him just thinking about what suna might be doing right now and when you should go back. 

"y/n-" semi called your name as he was holding the car door for you

"my bad" you chuckled and sat inside. he closed the door quickly and jogged over to the drivers seat. you watched him from the window and looked back at your phone. 

as semi stepped into the car he looked back and got out of the parking space. he started to drive forward on a clear road and tapped the steering wheel. "sooo any suggestions on where to go?"

"i'm your personal uber driver" he smiled

"can my personal uber driver play some music please?" you smiled back

"that'll be 5 dollars"

you deadpanned. 

he laughed and passed you the aux. 


* suggested song for this chapter *


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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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