His Promise, Her Destiny - Part 2Tā de chéngnuò, tā de mìngyùn他的承诺,她的命运

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"Ye Hua decided to go back to the pagoda.  As he passed the part of the pond where Zhe Yan was sitting, a soft, ethereal light swept over him. His essence reached out, welcoming its caress.  "Su Su" the name came out unbidden in Ye Hua's lips."

Laughter, airy and elusive, rippled through the mist, startling Ye Hua from his reverie.  He scanned his surroundings, but found only the tranquil beauty of the garden.  Suddenly, a familiar voice called out, and Ye Hua turned to see his sister Su Jin emerging from the winding path that led to his palace with Tian Shu, his military officer, following respectfully behind her.

"Ye Hua, is everything alright?" Su Jin asked, concern etching her features.

Ye Hua offered a reassuring smile.  "Yes, Mèimei, I was merely lost in thought." 

Su Jin studied him for a moment, her eyes narrowing slightly with suspicion before she nodded. "Very well, but be cautious.  The palace grounds can play tricks on the mind, especially when shrouded in mist."

Before he could dwell further on the matter, Su Jin's words drew his attention back to his sister. "What brings you to the lotus pond?" He asked Su Jin.

A flicker of annoyance crossed Su Jin's features as she spoke of the Ghost Prince Li Jing seeking an audience with him.  She voiced her disdain for the prince's arrogant demeanour and his penchant for frivolous flirtations, which had irked her on numerous occasions.

Ye Hua couldn't help but chuckle at his sister's indignation, teasing her gently. "Perhaps your dislike for him conceals a deeper sentiment, sister?."

Su Jin's cheeks flushed in irritation, but she maintained her composure as she informed Ye Hua of the prince's presence in his office, awaiting his audience.

With a dismissive wave, Su Jin left in a huff.  As Su Jin departed, Ye Hua couldn't shake the lingering feeling of the elusive laughter that echoed through the mist.  Was it merely a trick of mind, or did it hold a deeper significance. With a sigh, he pushed aside the fleeting thoughts and turned his attention to the task at hand-meeting with the Ghost Prince.

As Ye Hua made his way to his office, Tian Shu trailed silently behind him, his presence a steady comfort.  Upon entering, he was greeted by the boisterous smile and booming voice of his friend, Li Jing. 

Jia Yun, his diligent civil servant, offered to serve tea and snacks as Ye Hua settled himself behind the low table, facing Li Jing.  Ye Hua nodded, requesting the inclusion of Osmanthus cake, knowing it to be Li Jing's favourite.

As the tea and snacks were served, both Ye Hua and Li Jing indulged in the delicacies before them.  Ye Hua inquired about any developments in the Ghost and Demon realms.  Li Jing's expression grew serious.  "There are stirrings among the shamans in both realms.  They speak of a prophecy concerning the demon queen."

The mention of the demon queen in a prophecy stirred memories of the cave and the incomplete writings he had discovered there.  Could this be the same prophecy? And if so, did it hold answers to the mysteries surrounding Bai Qian and Susu?

Summoning Tian Shu, Ye Hua instructed him to journey to Kunlun mountain, seeking urgent audience with his brother, Mo Yuan.  As he awaited Tian Shu's departure, his thoughts drifted to Bai Quin, the queen of Qing Qui, and the possibility of her awakening from her slumber.

A tug at his heart reminded Ye Hua of the unresolved feelings he harboured for Bai Qian, feelings that he had tried to suppress.  With determined effort, he pushed aside his personal thoughts and returned his focus to Li Jing, extending an invitation for him to stay in the palace until their meeting with Mo Yuan.

As the afternoon sun cast its warm glow upon them, Ye Hua could not share the feelings that echoes of the past were converging with the uncertainties of the present, setting the stage for a revelation that would shape the fate of the realms.

Ten miles of peach blossom - Qing Qui

As Zhe Yan sat comfortably in his favourite chair beneath the sprawling canopy of the grandest tree his Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms realm, he indulged in his cherished pastime of fishing in the serene jade lake, a cup of h is finest peach wine cradled in his hand.  The peaceful ambiance of his surroundings was a welcome respite from the chaos that often consumed the realms.

It had been nearly a month since his last visit to the Nine Heavens where he crossed paths with Ye Hua.  Since then he learned of his meeting with Li Jing and Mo Yuan regarding the stirrings within the shamanic groups in both demon and ghost realms.  The brothers had devised a plan to embark on a journey to both realms in search for answers.

Lost in contemplation, Zhe Yan's reverie was interrupted by a shimmer of golden light that danced upon the surface of the lake.  With a sense of anticipation, he watched as Nuwa materialised from the radiant glow, her presence illuminating the tranquil surroundings.

Ethereally beautiful as always, Nuwa's serene smile held a silent message, one that spoke of impending significance. "Its time," she uttered softly before vanishing once more into the golden radiance that surrounded her.

Zhe Yan signed deeply, a knowing smile gracing his lips as he absorbed the weight of Nuwa's words.  The time had come to fulfil his promise, to embrace the role destiny had set before him.  With a renewed sense of purpose, he cast his line into the jade waters, ready to embark on the journey that awaited him, knowing that the fate of the realms hung in a balance.

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