ch. 1

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Link strolled through the unfamiliar streets of a town whose name eluded his memory. Since defeating Calamity Ganon and saving Hyrule, he has felt a deep sense of loneliness. Those he cherished were gone, and only Zelda remained, preoccupied with the aftermath of their battle. The weight of solitude settled heavily upon him as he sighed, feeling adrift in a world that couldn't quite understand him.

Suddenly, a chirping sound from a nearby rice field caught Link's attention. Intrigued, he veered toward the source, hoping for a distraction from his melancholy thoughts. As he entered the field, the chirping grew louder with each step. Link approached cautiously, mindful not to startle whatever creatures were nearby.

His foot touched something wet, and a pungent odor assaulted his senses. Quickly covering his nose with his hands, Link peered down, realizing he had stepped in a pool of red liquid. The realization dawned on him—it was blood.

He hurried towards the source of the blood and the faint chirping sound. As he reached the edge of the field, a grim sight greeted him: a man lay in a pool of blood, struggling to breathe. Nearby, four tiny turtles huddled beside him, adding an eerie contrast to the scene.

He rushed toward the man hoping that he was still alive. But when he was near him Link saw the tail of the man but he didn't care, the man was stabbed in the chest with a knife it was still in him. The man has pink skin and a tail and black hair, he wears a robe that has an earthly tone like dark brown or green. He checked the man to see if he was alive. Link closed his eyes, he didn't make it. Open his eyes he noticed the little turtles still near the man chirping trying to wake him up.

Link's eyes soften upon witnessing the tragic scene before him, a pang of empathy resonating deep within his soul. Having endured his share of loss, his heart aches for the tiny turtles left orphaned. Their chirps echo in the air, filled with confusion, fear, and desperation. Link knows all too well what it means to be alone, and in that moment, he makes a silent vow.
It's a solemn decision. Link will not let these hatchlings face the same solitude and emptiness that have plagued his existence. Their father's demise shall not be in vain.

Link carefully picked up the four turtles and placed them inside his satchel. Each little one peered up at Link with innocent, curious eyes.. and for some reason, Link thought of four ancient heroes in legends.

With a gentle nod, Link made his decision. He named each of the turtles: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo.

He looked back at the body one last time. "Don't worry," Link thought to himself, "I'll take care of them."

With the turtles secure in their new home, Link's heart felt a bit lighter. It was as if the weight of his sorrow had been shared with these tiny beings who also faced the loss of their father. And perhaps, in caring for these turtles, he had found a new purpose for his healing journey.

Note! I hope you enjoy this! I'm sorry for killing off Splinter but I had to. Then again I'm sorry for killing off some of your guys favorite character!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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