Chapter 6

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As the leaves start falling from the trees, and the sky grows darker, rain pattering on the ground, the school has settled in their warm, cosy common rooms with pitchers of hot pumpkin juice and warm pies to keep the students content during that gloomy time.

The Room of Requirement, once a place to find peace and aid you in your quests now stained with blood from fights, against Alec, against yourself. The curse that eats away your strength, the dark magic that grows the more pain you endure, feasting on it while your mind is torn from yourself to Isadora's ideas.

However not all of autumn is dark and tristful. The colourful leaves that sail to the ground, dancing over the dark stone outside the courtyard, covering the lake in beautiful vibrant colours, and animals that rush over the fields, their fur making them almost invisible against the dark trees.

But above all, after the first Quidditch matches, it is time for Halloween. A celebration of Samhains, with the carving of turnips and pumpkins, apple bopping, colourful decorations, and of course a feast for the ages.

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