You Abandoned Me!

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Elizabeth's POV

I don't even know why I'm even here, the one time they need me, and it's always for something. Ugh. Can't I just make a run for it? Nah. I know Bruce would have someone come after me, or Clark himself would come get me, it would be the first time out of three months since I would see him, I was tempted to do it, but I didn't. I was a big girl, I just need to put on my big girl pants, no matter how much I want to turn around and run as far as I could. But it was too late now, I was at the stupid mansion anyways, I'm pretty sure Bruce knew I was here anyways, with his cameras and shit, creepy.

I sighed to myself. I guess I have to do this, even though I didn't want to be here. Not really my choice anymore, so I guess I have to. I grumbled under my breath as I walked up to the door of the mansion. I sighed again, but this time it was sad, because I remember all the times I would come here just to hang out, Alfred would make me my PB&J's, I know it's a bit childish, but damn those things are good. But now it just felt weird being here. And it wasn't my fault. I didn't make things weird and awkward between us, Bruce did. I didn't. And I still don't know why. I shook my head at myself, I thought I was over this? But I guess it hurts a little bit more when your father figure and best friend both Ditch you and ghost you at the same time. I get that they're both busy, but damn, no text messages, no phone calls, ignoring my text messages and calls, I should have really got the message. They don't want me around anymore, they got sick of me and don't want me around anymore. I should have seen it coming, I really should've. I ignored the feeling of my eyes becoming glassy, I didn't let myself cry over them, I get it, they don't want to be around me, and that's fine, but what I don't get is why they need me? What the hell do they want from me? They'll just have me do something for them, and then they'll go back to ignoring me. Super. I'm like their little errand bitch, once they're done with me, they throw me away. That's so great for my mental health. (Sarcasm).

I waited a few seconds before knocking on the door, it's not too late to walk away, I can still walk away, I can just tell them to go screw themselves and just go. I can go anywhere I want. But it was too late when the door opened, and there stood Alfred. Looking the same as I left him. I didn't bother smiling at the man. Why would I? He could have called, could have shot me a text or phone call, saying that the both of them were alive and well. But he didn't, and I wasn't happy. "Alfred", I almost spat his name out, and I could tell that he knew I wasn't happy, with anyone here. "Lizzie.....", but I cut him off, he doesn't get to call me that anymore, we're not friends, I'm just his boss's errand girl, and I wasn't in the mood to play pretend. Not anymore. "Don't, you don't get to call me that anymore. We're not friends, I'm just your boss's errand girl", I walked into the mansion, I huffed, looks the same as I left it. Figured. Nothings changed here. "I guess he's down in the bat cave, fucking weirdo still dresses up like it's Halloween", I didn't really mean any of what I said, because most of the heroes now a days dress up to hide their identities. But I was still pissed off. I didn't bother to wait for a response from Alfred, I made my way towards the elevator and got inside. I took a deep breath inside and slowly let it out. After this, I'm going AWOL, see how they like it. And I know how to do it too. They'll never be able to find me, I'll get a new identity and stuff too. And no, I wasn't being dramatic, I was actually going to do it before he called me. I was ready to live a new life, one filled with my superhero's and soulmates that abandon you. I was ready to go, I was ready to go anywhere my heart desired, and that's exactly what I'm going to do after this, they'll never find me. Not even with Bruce's high tech shit. I'll live underground if I have to. I have my connections. Which you don't need to know about. But still, I'm gonna go, and I'm gonna make a life for me, and only me. Bruce and Clark didn't need me, they seem fine on their own, they don't want me around. And Barry, he's always on the move, I never see him anymore, either he's at work, or speeding around the city doing who knows what. And Arthur? He didn't want me, so I'm not gonna let that run my life, I'm not gonna let the pain run my life, so I'm gonna make a damn good life for myself.

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