𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐 : 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐨𝐦

13 3 8

Red eyes? How is that possible? She stared into the eyes and the boy started looking at her. Shit! He saw me looking at him!

Wren quickly turned her eyes to the teacher, but her attention was on the boy. He muttered something under his breath and raised his hand.

"Can I go to the bathroom please," the boy said.

"Yes, go quickly," the teacher replied and turned her attention back to the board.

The boy jumped up from his seat and started running out the door and soon the bell rang.

Wren stood up got her backpack and remembered where she needed to go; the bathroom with the girls. I wonder what they want...

She eventually found her way to the bathroom and walked in. "Hello? It's me, Wren," she called out with no response.

She sighed and she looked at herself in the mirror. Wren was speechless, she had green eyes. Green eyes?

She leaned over the sink to get a better view and Wren examined her eyes in the mirror. What is happening-

Soon she felt her hands tied behind her back, someone was holding her down! "Get off me!" she yelled. 

She shouted as loud as she could and started kicking whatever was holding her down. The person rolled her over.

It was the boy. "What are you doing-" Soon water rushed onto her face and she could feel the water getting into her eyes. He turned on the faucet! She tried to scream but the water was entering her throat and she started coughing. He's going to drown me!

She started to look around for something. My bag! She tried reaching it but she stopped breathing.

She was gasping for air and she finally reached the backpack and threw it onto the boy with the little strength she had left. Wren finally closed her eyes.

She soon woke up to her coughing as water rushed out of her lungs. Her hands were tied and she opened her eyes to the girls and that one boy. She started crying, Wren cried so much her face started hurting.

"What do you want? Why are you doing this to me?" Wren yelled with tears running down her face.

The girls chuckled but the boy had a blank expression on his face, like he was upset about something.

Wren's phone started ringing, and she could feel the vibration through her pocket. The girls were curious, "Give me your phone," One of the girls told Wren.

"How can I when you tied my hands?" Wren replied.

The girl scoffed and reached for Wren's phone in her pocket. I have an idea. This is the perfect time to distract them.

She smirked, getting ready for her plan to start. As soon as the girl answered the phone, she started moving her hands out of the rope that they tied her with and made sure she didn't move as much. Yes, I'm free! They need to learn how to tie better. Wren kept her hands behind her back and started listening to the girl's conversation on the phone.

How does she sound exactly like me? The girl talked, and Wren assumed it was her mom on the phone. She noticed the boy was distracted and how all of the girls were too.

She quickly snatched the phone and bolted out of the bathroom. Wren was running down the hallways to make sure she couldn't get caught by them and went into the office.

When she was about to enter the classroom, she saw that the girls and that boy stopped and glared at Wren as they walked away. They let me go, just like that? She was confused but needed to tell the principal what they did.

 "I need help, now!" Wren cried. Someone heard her and ran over and grabbed her shoulders.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay? What happened?" The girl asked.

Wren sniffled, "I can't think, I just need someone now!"

The girl grabbed her hand and rushed to the principal, "We need help!"

"Who did this to you?" the office lady asked.

"I don't know their names, but it was 3 girls and this boy. They told me to meet in the bathroom and they tried to drown me and they tied me up! " Wren replied, wiping a tear off her cheek.

"I'll be right back." The office lady got up and started talking to someone in the office.

What is she saying? I can't hear. Wren then heard something,

"Mr. Anderson," Wren guessed that it was the principal, and she remembered what he did that other time they met. Even thinking about it gave her shivers.

"The principal will be here soon, just stay tight while I make a report." the office lady told Wren

Wren nodded and waited for the people.

The principal soon walked in. "Hello Wren, so can you tell me what happened?"

Wren sighed and started explaining, "So now I'm here. I don't know their names but I know what they look like."

"That's good, can I get a description?" the principal asked.

"If I can remember, I'm pretty sure the boy had red eyes and brown hair, and the girls were blonde. That's all I remember." Wren told him.

"Red eyes? I know exactly who that is. Also, don't question it, he puts in contacts." the principal said while walking away.

She sat in silence for a while. Where is he? The principal then walked in with the boy.

"So can you tell her what you told me?" The principal asked.

The boy looked at him with wide eyes. "I... You started attacking me and I tried to drown you in self-defense..." He said, sounding disappointed.

Wren was shocked. "Excuse me what? No that's not what!-"

"Quiet! I know what you did." The principal said angrily and pointed to the bruise on the boy's eye.

"What? I didn't do that! He's lying!" Wren tried to prove she was innocent.

"I'm calling your mom, and James, go back to class. I'm sorry for what has happened to you. Take an ice pack for your eye." The principal smiled at James and then walked away and Wren could see him on the phone.

Wren felt defeated as he heard words come out of the principal's mouth, talking to her mom.

"What were you thinking? You are grounded for a month! Let's go home and give me your phone. I can't believe you would do this... On your first day. I'm disappointed Wren."She scolded Wren.

Wren left with her mom, and the drive home was silent with no one speaking. She walked to her house with her head down, ran to her room crying, and slammed the door shut.

"Do NOT shut doors in this house Wren!" she yelled across the house.

 Wren groaned, "Fuck you and you're stupid ass rules!" Wren screamed even louder.

Wren put on headphones before she could hear her mom scream back at her and cry into her pillow.

Wren lay in her bed, silent as the sunset. She looked out the window and found herself staring intensely into the forest. She got up and opened the balcony doors.

She breathed in the air from the forest and looked around before climbing and jumping onto the ground.

Wren was sneaking out.

A/N: Thank you so much for everyone reading my book! This is one of the first stories I have ever written and I decided to continue it and eventually decided to post it on here. I'm sorry if I don't post chapters quickly, it's usually based on my motivation. Hope you enjoyed Chapter 2!

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