Chapter 13

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When I returned back, Buck was still there and so was Chris and Carla.

"Where is she? I need to apologize." I asked, once inside.

Buck didn't say anything, he just handed me a letter addressed to me. I looked at him, begging, praying it wasn't what I thought.

"Open it." Was all he said and I did exactly that.

And the letter read:

"Dear Edmundo,

I hate to leave like this, but I think it's for the best. It is clear to me, that you love Buck more than me and that is okay, I just wish you had been open with me from the start. If you are scared about your parents, I would gladly have covered you, all you had to do was say so. A bit of practical information, I don't know where or for how long I will go, but you do not need to wait for me, I'm letting you go. I will talk with Bobby about my place at the station, where I will quit. And lastly, I will not block you, only because I still care for you and Chris. I will call Buck, so I can explain a simple version to Chris.

—your former love, Tessa Simmons

PS. I have decided that your and Bucks name is Buddie"

After I had read it, I looked at it for a moment, not comprehending what I had just read. Then I looked at Chris, who was just sitting there, watching television. He knew something was up, but he didn't have any idea of what, not even Carla did.

"And you just let her go?" I yelled at Buck.

"I did try stopping her, but what was I meant to do? Lock myself to her door, to her?" He yelled back.

"Yeah." I screamed at him.

"Dad, you are scaring me." Chris criticized.

"Sorry kiddo, I just had a bad argument with Tessa and I think it got out of hand." I apologized.

"You think? You do realize that she packed all her belongings, right?" Buck questioned and I ran into the bedroom, expecting everything to be normal, but I was met with a cold and empty room.


I drove for hours, I just needed to get away. There were this need to catch a break, a break from family, from responsibility, from everything. Once I had driven for most of the day, I decided I needed to get a hotel. After I had gotten my room and eaten dinner, I called Buck.

"Hi Buck." I spoke.

"Hi, Chris, it's for you." He called.

"Who is it?" Chris answered.

"Hi Chris." I whispered.

"Tessie," he almost yelled, "when are you coming back?"

"Kiddo, I don't know. I don't know what your farther told you, but we had an argument and I need a bit of space, at least for now." I explained.

"All he said, was that you guys had a big argument, then he yelled and that scared me." Chris continued.

"Okay, I will spare you the boring details, but the essence of it is this. Your father and I do not agree on this particular matter and it has made him doubt me and me doubt him," I continued, "if he wants to tell you more, he can, but all I'm going to say is this: it is between him and I, about us and this is in no way your fault and there are nothing you can do to make it different, okay kiddo?"

"You sure?" He sobbed.

"Yes, 100% sure, kiddo, I have never been more sure of anything ever before, well except for how great of a kid you are, and I'm never further away than a phone call, okay? I might not be there in person, but I will always be there though phones and in your hearts." I promised him.

We talked for a bit more, until he had to go to bed. Buck offered his phone, so Eddie and I could talk, but I declined. 

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