
12 0 2

!Trigger Warning! for mentions of torture and blood at end of chapter

Numbers in () will represent translations at the end of chapters

August, 1976

"Cissy!" I exclaimed as she swung me around, dancing to the record player. She was spinning, pulling me with her, flopping down on her bed. We were both breathing heavily, I could barely catch my breath when she got up and pulled me with her.

(1)"Allez, Calli!" Narcissa pulled me up and out of her room as the music stopped. Tugging me behind her, she spun me around, my dark red hair flowing in long locks behind me. Suddenly, we heard our father, Cygnus Black III's, boots hit the marble floor of the hall way. Stopping in our tracks, both Cissy and I smoothed out our black dresses as he approached us.

"Now, what is going on here?" He spoke coldly, the only emotion on his face was pointed towards Cissy, contempt filling his face as his eyes move to me.

"Nothing, Father." I paused taking a deep breath, "Just spending time with Narcissa" My hands clasped tightly behind me, my nails digging into my palms.

His eyes flashed to Narcissa, searching for the truth. "Yes, Father. We were spending some of our time together before Callisto leaves for Hogwarts in a few days."

"Of course, I shall leave you to it" My eyes find his, regretting it immediately as he walked close to me, bending down slightly to whisper in my ear, "Drawing Room at 6pm, do not be late" Father speaks the last line harshly. I nod slightly and he walks away, leaving me with Narcissa.

(2)"Est-ce que tu vas bien, ma sœur?" Cissy asks, worry plastered on her face.

"Let us just go back to my room" I suggest, already walking toward it. My sister follows behind me, and we talk in my room until 5:55pm.

"Um, Cissy" I took a deep breath.

"Yes?" She responds with a small smile on her face.

"I have to go, Father's orders." A slight frown forms on my face as I know what he will do to me.

"Hey, Calli" Cissy calls as I walk to the doorway.

I turn back, "Yes, make it quick", I say leaning against the doorframe.

"Listen to him, if you don't provoke him he won't do nearly as much" A worried smile crosses her face.

"Alright, now I have to go" I almost run down to the Drawing Room and I arrive just on time.

Father smirks as I close the door to the Drawing Room. He pulls out his want as I stand perfectly still in front of him, waiting for the pain.
"CRUCIO!" He yells, pointing his wand at me. I scream in agony as I fall to the ground, pain engulfing my body.
"GET UP, YOU DISGRACE OF A DAUGHTER!" He yells at me as I struggle to stand, my knees too weak.

He fires the cruciatus curse many times on me, my legs seldom finding the strength to support me the whole time. As he fires the curse once more, I fall and smash my head against the corner of a black stone table. My body falls limp to the ground, barely conscious as I reach a hand up to the back of my head. Pulling my hand away, I see fresh sticky blood coating my fingers. I wipe the blood on my dress and struggle to lift myself off the ground.

Suddenly he reaches a hand into his inside jacket pocket and pulls out a dagger, a dirk to be specific and about 6 inches long. Walking over to me, he tugs my body closer and traces the dirk up the middle of my stomach, stopping at the bottom of my breasts. Blood seeps out of the wound and he makes more cuts through my dress on my stomach. He goes to above my breast and cuts lines on the exposed skin on my collarbone and shoulders.

Moments later, as the blood drips down my body, the Drawing Room door swings open,  revealing my mother.
"CYGNUS BLACK, WE HAVE TALKED ABOUT THIS!" She bellows as she sees my wounds. (3)"JE PENSAIS QUE NOUS AVIONS DIT QUE VOUS NE LE FERIEZ PLUS, MAIS ICI, VOUS LE FAITES À NOUVEAU!" She runs over to me, pulling out her wand and healing my cuts, unable to do it well enough to have them be invisible.
(4)"Nous en parlerons après le dîner, Cygnus" She says holding her arm around my shoulders and leading me to my room.

(1) Come On, Calli!

(2)Are you okay, my sister?


(4)We'll talk about it after dinner, Cygnus

781 words! Not nearly as many as I had hoped, but I'm glad with how it turned out eventually!

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