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Two brothers named Nathan and Ethan were very into the rave scene in London. They often took Ketamine every weekend. They are twins and were in the same subjects in college. Their cousin is also the same age.His name is Jack. He dropped out of college and just raved with them.

Nathan and Ethan were seen as attractive,funny,kind of stupid, and popular. Jack was often seen as a dick, rude, and people only really hung out with him for drug's, or while they're on drugs,

This particular weekend, Jack was having problems at home and asked to stay at Nathan and Ethans. The brothers agreed. Jack arrived, and the first thing he did was have an argument on the phone with his mom.

Jack:"Your fucking boyfriends a cunt, mum, I cant fucking deal with him anymore!"

The brothers ignored the arguing because they were used to it. They started ordering tickets for this major music festival in London,called Night Lazer. When Jack got off the phone, he came back to the room with the twins.

Jack: "Sorry about that, lads. Did you get the tickets?"

Nathan :"yeah, and what about that sketchy fucker, Niall?Can he get us drugs ?"

Jack: " No Niall is in fuckin jail. Dumb fucker sold drugs infront of a primary school.Lucky fucking kids, I would of killed for those resources back then."

Ethan :"Fuck"

The three guys end up grabbing over the counter cold medicine that their other cousin from Canada, brought them when he visited. There were four bottles of cough syrup containing DXM and two bottles containing DPH. DXM can give a fun, relaxing effect in high doses. It will make music better and give you a drunk high feeling. In really high doses, it gives you an effect like Ketamine or even LSD. It can be lethal and very dangerous, but people still do it for fun as a last resort. DPH is a nightmare drug if taken In large doses, it can cause seizures, hallucinations that are terrifying and personal to you, lack of saliva,being able to piss and loss of cordination.

The night of the festival had arrived, and the three boys were getting ready to take the cold medicine. It tastes like shit, so it took them all about half an hour for them all to drink the two bottles. The brothers drank the DXM bottles, and Jack drank the DPH bottles.

They took a ride share to the festival. about half an hour after arriving, the brothers started to feel the effects. They started smiling for no reason, they started walking like robots, and Jack seemed anxious and started lighting a cigarette, but halfway through, he realized he was hallucinating the cigarette.He began to have a massive feeling of dread.

Jack: "I feel really fucking bad, guys"

Ethan:"mate its just the come up, you will feel like shit for a bit but you will feel better."

And he did,he felt a bit better. This amazing high came over him. He lied on the grass for a bit. He then heard a deep demon voice yell JACK!!!
Jack freaked out and stood up before falling on the ground. He kept standing up and trying to walk but would then fall. He yelled. "FUCK!" Out of frustration. Some people laughed at him on the ground while others seemed concerned.

Jack then saw an extremely tall, black shadow man wearing a top hat. He had glowing red eyes and a deep demonic voice. He asked the man in the hat.

Jack:"Did you call my name earlier?!"

Hatman:" shut the fuck up, Jack." Was all hat man said to him.

Jack began to notice there were bugs crawling on him, spiders,centipedes, and roaches. He freaked out and ran to a part of the festival where there were fewer people. He saw people looking like demons and people on fire screaming in agony. He ran behind a tree. He's saw snakes everywhere. He told himself, "It's just a bad trip."

Ethan and Nathan were at different parts of the festival. The amount of DXM they took made walking a pain in the ass, and it made them not want to walk at all. So they just sat on the ground and watched the concert.

Jack sees a hallucination of his dead father.His name was Greg. His father was very abusive. He was a drunk and would beat Jack and his mom. His dad was decribed as a "cunt" by pretty much everyone.

Jack : "Fuck do you want?, you fucking cunt. You're fucking dead, Fuck off!"
The festival goers seemed confused as fuck, as to why he was yelling. Jack's father leans over him, and Jack is lying on the ground, looking terrified.

Doug:" I never fucking wanted you. Who would want a fucking kid like you. I ended up Leaving fucking college! Because the bitch was pregnant with you, I gave up everything for you. For you to be a drug taking fucker who fails out of school!"

Jack began punching and screaming at what he thought was his dad. His father disappeared when he went to punch him. Other ravers were looking at him. He freaked out some people out, and they got away from him because he made their trip bad. Some people thought it was funny as fuck, and filmed him.

Jack tried to run away but kept falling slowly. At this point, the festival got packed, and everyone started running to their favorite hologram artist, Cash Wellington. As he performed. The crowd all started pushing towards the front. Ethan and Nathan got pushed towards the front, with the crowd.

The festival got overcrowded real quick, and people jumped over the barriers. They fought security. It was a total disaster. People were being stepped on after being knocked to the ground. People were screaming for help.Jack was on the ground, and he didn't know what was real and what was fake. People began passing out in the crowd.

Ethan was still being pushed up to the front and was looking for Nathan. People were screaming for the show to be stopped, but it didn't stop. Nathan was being pulled away on a stretcher.Nathans face was crushed, from people stepping on his face. Ethan saw what was happening and started yelling.
Ethan:" Nathan, fuck, thats my fucking brother, stop the fucking show!"

An ambulance eventually came through the crowd to collect Nathan and other ravers. It got crowded by all the ravers. One girl gets on top of the damn ambulance and starts twerking. Jack was at the side of the crowd, and he thought he was in Hell. He saw the people around him on fire burning, screaming, and their flesh melting off their bones. He begins screaming for help, but everybody is screaming for help. Jack ends up lying on the ground. People are stepping on him and over him. I voice yells in Jack's ear in the sound of his dads voice, "I did not want you!you fucking prick!" Jack just curled up in a ball and cried.

The performance came to an end eventually. Security tried to get everyone out in an orderly fashion. There was a God damn stampede on the way out. This caused just as much damage as the overcrowding. People were rushed to the hospital. Ethan ended up getting pushed against the barrier for a long time, and his Ribs were bruised. Jack was tested in the E.R. for drugs, if he was found to have none in his system, he would have been transferred to the psychward. He tested positive for large amounts of Dph. He spent the night in the hospital and was sent home.

Ethan spent a few days in the hospital. He found out about his brother's death in the hospital. He watched clips of the festival on the news.

Jack and Ethans family had a funeral for Nathan. The family blamed Cash Wellington and the label and studios behind him. Both Jack and Ethan spoke at his funeral.

Ethan : " Nathan would want me to start out this speech by saying his positive traits, so here goes Nathan was an absolute beast in the sack."

The boys Irish grandmother yelled out, " Jesus christ,even at his funeral, you dirty bastards!"

Ethan:" It really was his proudest accomplishment."

Grandma:"For fucks sakes!"

The boys then gave a serious speech about all the good things about Nathan along with the rest of the Family and friends there. But their joking did lighten the mood.

The media talked about the incident constantly and showed clips of the events. And people who were there commented on what went wrong. But people and the media quickly forgot about the Night Lazer tragedy and moved on.

Jack went back to college. And got his life together
Ethan graduated and did the same. They both no longer did drugs except weed, cigarettes, and booze. They both stopped partying after that.

Jack's sketchy friend Niall eventually got out of prison and got put back in. For selling drugs outside a primary school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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