Chapter Thirty-Two: Exposure

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People are discovering my BPD and realizing that the claims of Amel being unfaithful are baseless. My public relations team crafted the letter from my perspective, expressing my struggle with mental health and my remorse for my actions. My vulnerabilities have been displayed for every social media platform to dissect. Articles, podcast episodes, insensitive memes, and viral dissertations will spread for a revolting amount of time.

While pop culture fans share their thoughts, my peers in the show business will begin to treat me differently. Can they trust me to star in major roles, or am I too unstable? Do my co-stars feel comfortable working with me, or are they afraid I'll backstab or mistreat them?

My new reality accompanies me, the only entity that lies with me in the loneliness of this cold bed. Goodbye to the Cierre Holyfield everyone perceived and adored. So long to being the beacon other A-listers gravitated towards at Hollywood events. Farewell to my lover and the trust we've built through our reconnection. Now, we've returned to ground zero, and it feels like we're further apart than before.

The heartfelt note Amel attached to the bouquet of flowers they gave me on the Amalfi Coast rests against my chest, held tightly in my hands.

Welcome to our renaissance, peaches. With you as my co-creator, I envision a gallery of timeless memories, each one more cherished than the last. With you by my side, my palette will never run dry, and the colors of life will become increasingly vibrant even as we age. Thank you for your grace and willingness to grow with me. It has always been you, my forever woman. It always will be.

Your Amel

They trusted me so much with their affection and molded themself to be more sensitive and tolerant of my bullshit. And I've let them down. I should've listened to Amel's grievances surrounding Syd, but I was blind, foolish. The person I considered my closest friend, my manager, who promised to always be there for me, has vanished, robbing me of everything I hold dear.

I swore to Amel and the public that I didn't have sex with Syd, yet I don't have proof. Instead of telling every detail of my regretful actions, she leaked the worst parts and fucking ran like a coward. That one instance was the only terrible act I've committed against Syd, and for years, I've thought she had forgiven me. I've consistently uplifted her, paid her handsomely, and considered her advice. I even put her over my fucking partner.

Nearly every argument Amel and I had stemmed from a destructive seed Syd planted in my brain. I was unaware then, but as I lay here, instances I've never thought twice about arise. She manipulated me and weaponized my weaknesses and trust against me. When I was iffy about a career choice or the stability of my relationship with Amel, she'd rarely listen to what I thought and instead promoted her agenda. She did it so strongly and with such finesse that I've never noticed. I chose to trust and keep her in my life because she convinced me she had my best interests at heart and knew what was beneficial for me. But she fucking lied.

In return for the loyalty and opportunities I've given her, she has exposed me, disappeared like a phantom, and deserted me with resentment, shame, and sorrow.

Undiscerning trust has rendered me utterly barren. If I'm never contracted for a role again, I can retire on my fortune. If the public cancels me and hates my guts, I'll survive by staying to myself. But a life without Amel seems sunless, deprived of a true essence of happiness.

Amel completely disregarded my presence after our conversation, not even a glance. Once our friends and publicity team left, they quietly transferred their belongings from this bedroom to their new one, not leaving a sock behind. They had claimed they needed space to consider our future, but they were dampening the impact of a possibly fatal blow. Mistake or not, I humiliated and devastated them, and my injuries may be beyond restoration.

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