Chapter Four

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"You're not seriously going to their room are you?" asked Lana as Tashi changed into a cropped zip up and shorts before touching up her makeup a little.

"It'll be funny to tease them a little. You should come too, please?" said Tashi as she headed towards the door, looking back at Lana with her eyebrows raised.

Lana was ready to go to bed, she had already changed into her pj shorts with little dogs on them and a tank top, clearly not in any state to go out but she didn't want Tashi to go to some boys room alone after knowing them for a day. 

"Let me change first, this outfit is embarrassing," sighed Lana, letting Tashi convince her again.

"No you look cute, come on I don't have all day," huffed Tashi. 

Tashi led the way and Lana sulked behind her, mentally scolding herself for her inability to say no. Lana's stomach was doing flips as the girls approached the boys door. Tashi knocked lightly before putting her ear against the door and gesturing for Lana to do them same. There was some shuffling and banging around before they finally heard footsteps coming to answer the door. The two girls giggled, knowing that Art and Patrick were probably panicking and trying to clean up their room. Lana and Tashi stepped back just before the door swung open, revealing a flustered Art.

"We didn't know if you guys were going to show up. Come in, sorry if it's a little messy," grinned Art.

"Couldn't turn down free alcohol," shrugged Tashi, walking past him. 

Lana smiled and gave Art a little waved as she followed. Art smiled back, making the girl feel even more jittery. They all sat down on the floor before Patrick began pouring shots for all of them. Lana politely turned hers down, not wanting to wake up feeling like she got hit by a bus the next morning. 

"Suit yourself, more for us then. Why don't we get to know each other a little better?" announced a clearly already tipsy Patrick, "How'd you too become tennis partners anyways?"

"Lana was new to our school and our tennis team was full so she didn't have a choice but to pair up with me. Turned out to be a good thing though, wouldn't you say? We've been attached at the hip every since," explained Tashi and Lana nodded along. 

"Huh, not too different from how me and Art met," said Patrick, "We met at a boarding school for tennis. Been friends ever since."

"Oh so you're two little rich boys then," laughed Tashi as she took another shot.

"Tashi!" whispered Lana, not wanting to offend the boys.

"Haha, it's okay, she's not wrong. We made some good memories then though didn't we Art? Actually, wanna hear this really funny story?" snickered Patrick.

Art immediately pulled his shirt over his face groaning, "Oh no, please don't tell them about that."  

"Well now you've got to tell us," beamed Tashi and Lana had to admit that she was curious about what Patrick had to say.

"Well I actually taught pretty boy over here how to jerk off. He asked me what I was doing one night and I told him how to do it. You should of seen him afterwards," laughed Patrick.

Tashi began laughing but Lana shot Art a sympathetic look, knowing that he must have been so embarrassed right now. 

"I hate you so much, you're an asshole Patrick," muttered Art as he covered his face with his hands.

"Well... who finished first?" asked Tashi between her laughs.

"I don't remem-," began Art when Patrick cut him off.

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