Bedroom Community

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The guys arrive home, Pheno, in front of the two, fumbles for his keys.

"Hey, uh, I've got mine right here." Watts says, walking up beside Pheno.

"Just...", Pheno grumbles, trying not to drop all that random shit he stuffed in his pockets. "One... second.." He frees his keys from the confines of his pocket. "YES!"

Watts jumps back not expecting the sudden cry of victory.

"Ah, sorry, Watts." Pheno opens the door and the others follow behind it.

Pheno walks down the hall and stops in front of Timi's room, adjacent to his own.

"I'll grab his blanket, and-" Pheno stops, his hand over the doorknob, and turns to look at Watts and Zeke, who are folding a sheet over the couch.

"Watts, Zeke." Watts looks up from the couch, but does not release the sheet, unlike the Saint Bernard, whose ears perk up at the mention of his name. "That sheet's dirty. Could one of you grab a sheet from the bathroom?"

"Sure!" Watts exclaims, excitedly, clearly forgetting the one thing he loathes the most awaits him.

Zeke bundles up the sheet, along with a pillowcase which previously rested on an equally dirty pillow. Watts walks up to the bathroom, happy to help, as always. He opens the door and picks up the basket, which sat beside the tub, deciding he should arrange all the things in it after retrieving the sheet.

Watts smiles, turning to the door, humming. He's slow to move, it seems, as before he sees the door, he sees himself. His smile turns to a frown as he sees his face in the mirror, the first mirror he's looked in, in a long while. He drops the basket and stares. What is he looking at and why can't he look away...? Slowly, he brushes one hand under an eye, down to his mouth. He lifts his other over the mirror, breaking into a soft pant, quickly turning into a wheeze. His muscles start to tense, causing him to flex his fingers, scratching the mirror. Realizing what he had done he gasps, looks up, and swiftly pulls away from the mirror. He clutches his hand, now hyperventilating.

Pretend you didn't see it.

Watts goes for the basket, but can't seem to stop his shaking hands. He tries to call for Zeke, Pheno, but all sound has escaped him. He struggles to walk to his room, struggling harder to keep a face that says everything is all good and dandy.

"His room's a mess!" Pheno says, grumbling out of Timi's room, exhausted. "Couldn't find a truck in that closet if I tried."

Pheno sees Watts panting, struggling with his door and calls out,


Watts gets a grip on the knob, grits his teeth, swings his door open, and rushes inside. He pushes his back against the door to close it, and brings up his arm to lock his door. Breathing through his teeth, he tries his damndest to lumber toward his bed, but his knees have gone weak. He slumps against his bedroom door, takes a deep breath, and looks around his frowzy room. The newest addition being broken glass and himself. His body wrestles his mind, as he thinks he should get up, but feels he should stay down and give in. His mind appears to have won, as before he knows it, he's standing up, fists balled up, walking toward what used to be his bedroom mirror. Small shards of glass fight to stay in the corners of the frame. Watts unballs a fist and presses his fingers against the frame. Tears well up in his eyes. He falls to his knees, bringing his hands up to grab onto his nightstand. He had entirely forgotten what he was doing, everything around him. All he could think of...

He looked revolting.

Hey guys! I'm the author of this chapter, Nova. I've never written a fic and tried to be angsty, and I think it turned out pretty well! Hope you enjoyed my 650 word chapter, and the rest of this story. If you'd like longer chapters from me, let me know! Though, they may take a little longer.

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