Step on a Crack.

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(May 6th,2024)
I had hoped to never find you here
Curled up and weak
Like your voice isn't so boisterous that it'll shake mountains
That your sassiness
Does nothing to sway even the most vile villain
Because how do you control a voice and make it yours
When it's not allowed
for you to voice any crack within the windows
Like the neighbors couldn't recognize
Painted red lies when they saw them
Except you painted smiles
Over bruises
And sinkholes so deep within us
You destroyed anything that you convincingly threw out concrete evidence for
Because this deepness
You carved into us
Like the crack along the basement floor
Isn't able to have weight poured through
Emptiness doesn't hold any room Here
where our hand prints
Signify signatures of our screams of terror

Or did you erase mine?
Because that's what you do right?

You could erase our existence so easily but show everyone what your money bought
And they'd give you a high five
I just felt stinging in my wrist
Because I don't know what heard
"I love you"
more growing up
Ropes and trees or My bloody bedsheets
Growing up with cracks in the foundation is deadly
But I got twenty labotomeys to prove no matter what
The most sane I can be
is insane
At least here
My inner child knows peace.

IF MY CHILDHOOD WALLS COULD SPEAKWhere stories live. Discover now