Chapter 24: Bossy Much?

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"Where are you and Cosmo going tonight for your date?" Wade asks as I'm clearing the dishes from the table after dinner.

He's washing the dishes and has his back to me, so I can't decipher his expression.

Wade is still an enigma to me. One minute, he's staring at me like he wants to devour me, the next minute he's making me dinner and asking me about my dates, like a father, and still the next, he's almost detached and clinical.

It doesn't help that I'm all over the place with him either. One second I'm warm and gooey, the next I want to shake him, and then there are moments like right now when I'm grateful I've got him around to remind me I'm not alone on this wild ride.

"He said he's taking me to a dance club. I think it's called Topaz."

Wade whirls around, his eyes wide and brows pinched together. "You're going to Topaz?"

"Is that bad?"

"That depends," he says slowly. "Are you into Raves?"

"Like Ecstasy and techno music?"

He nods. "And spiked drinks and waking up the next morning not sure what happened the last twelve hours."

My stomach drops. "This is what Cosmos infiltrating."

He nods again. "Have you ever been to a Rave before?"

I snort, chuckling under my breath. "Aside from our heavily chaperoned 'field trips' the Academy is locked down tight. They didn't want us distracted."

"That's what I was afraid of," Wade mutters, then scrubs a hand down his face, the dishes and dishwasher completely forgotten. "How long until you two meet?"

"About two hours."

"What are you going to wear?"

That feeling of comfort I'd been basking in is gone, replaced by a cold, foreboding. "I hadn't chosen yet. I had a couple of options on my bed."

"Show me."

Wade doesn't wait for me to answer. His strides are long and purposeful, easily beating me to the bedroom before I do.

As I follow him, my mind races, frantically scanning my memory. Did I clean up my room this morning? Is he gonna find underwear or a bra hanging off my chair? My cheeks warm. Heaven help me if he does. I may die before Cosmo gets here.

I'm right on Wade's heels when he yanks open my door.

After I scan my room for anything mortifying, I heave a sigh of relief and then turn my attention to Wade.

He's already examining the two outfits I laid out on the duvet. One is a short white gauzy dress with spaghetti straps and a V-neck. The skirt is ruffled, with tiny polka dots, and stops mid-thigh.

The other dress is an ankle-length crocheted skirt with a frill-tripp tube top that shows off plenty of my stomach, paired with sandals.

He lifts each outfit, glances at me, as if picturing me in them, then drops them to the bed, shaking his head. "You can't wear those."

"Why not?" I say, picking up the dress. I'd been partial to that one. The skirt was flowy and short, so I could dance, and I wouldn't die of heat exhaustion.

"It's not practical," he mutters, then turns to the closet. "What else do you have?"

"Hold up," I grab his arm, stopping him. "They're plenty practical. I'm going dancing. I need something that's got plenty of movement and won't make me faint from heat exhaustion. What am I missing?"

"The reasons you're choosing these dresses are the reasons you shouldn't wear them."

"I don't understand."

Wade rubs the back of his neck and looks away. "That's because you don't think like a guy."

"Are you worried about Cosmo?" I say, a flit of worry wriggling in my stomach.

He shakes his head. "Not at all. If I thought Cosmo was by your side the whole time, I wouldn't be so worried. I–"

I hold up my hand. "Do you think I can't handle myself? Because I can. I'm fully capable of taking care of myself."

"It's not that–"

"I've had several years of martial arts training, Wade. Nobody's gonna take advantage of me." I purse my lips, trying not to go off on him. Yeah. I know he's supposed to be watching out for me, but I can take care of myself.

Wade takes a calming breath, then says in a deceptively level voice, "Which one were you planning on wearing?"

My hackles lower slightly, but not all the way. He caved a little too easily. "The dress."

His eyes flit to the bed, resting on the gauzy dress. "Go put it on."


Author Note:  Hmmm Wade's getting bossy. How do you think Evie's going to handle it?  Do you think he has a good reason to be acting the way he is? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

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