Chapter 2

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"Are you sure?" The older white woman asked. Umar nodded with determination.

"Samantha," Khalil gestured to the door. Samantha, the 60-year-old woman, looked over before putting on a relieved smile.

"We thank you for taking this heavy burden on your shoulders," Samantha bowed before walking out the door. "Be ready in a few hours. Rest up while you can. We'll be leaving soon."

After that, the group of three began to leave, bowing before the door closed. Leaving Tori and Umar in the medical room. Tori whipped her head around as soon as the doors closed.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked, looking worried.

"I understand your concern. Tori, I need to see this through. I have nowhere else to go," Umar said. The young woman narrowed her eyes and looked down. Knowing that she couldn't understand what he was thinking about this, she let out a heavy sigh.

"Well then! It's getting stuffy in this room. Let's go walking around!" Tori stood up from her chair. "Brush your teeth first; your breath kicks!" She scrunched up her face as Umar rolled his eyes, got off the bed, and lightly pushed her. He was making her laugh as she stomped her feet to keep herself upright. She walked out of the room as Umar let out a sigh and then smiled before walking over towards the bathroom.


Umar left the room and saw Tori standing on the wall, looking down at her phone. She peeped up and saw the young man slowly walk out of the room and smile, pushing off the wall and walking towards him.

"Alright... Any pain?" Tori asked at first, looking him up and down.

"A little sore, but I'll manage to walk around."

"Alright! Let's get this date on a roll!" Tori exclaimed, pointing towards the exit and grabbing the young man's hand.

"You're upbeat," Umar remarked as Tori looked back at him and flashed a goofy smile.

"Of course! It's a date, after all!" She laughed. Leading the way, they made their way towards the front.

"You seem to be walking fine," Tori said, watching him before turning to see the receptionist.

"Hello!" The worker at the desk smiled.

"Yes, here to take out patient 225," Tori pulled out her card.

"225? Oh... He's already been checked out,"

"Really?" Tori raised a brow.

"Yes, the older lady paid for him beforehand."

"Ah... Gotta thank Samantha for that... Thank you!" Tori put her wallet away, turned towards Umar, and smiled. "Let's go!"

Tori once again grabbed his hand, and the two went out to town, killing time.


Samantha turned around and slowly squatted to take a seat. The room had multiple decorations on the walls and cabinets and a portrait of her family behind her desk. She sighed, tired from the walking, as she finally sat down to rest her feet and looked up to see Khalil waiting.

"So? How long till the shuttle in Shilho is ready?"

"About two hours to reach the ground. Though if we head there now, we'd only be killing time there," Khalil spoke as he found a place to sit.

"Hmm... Well, we have time. Did Juel contact Harsha?" Samantha asked as she leaned back in her chair, rolling it up to get ready to do paperwork.

"Yes, she called her while we walked to her office."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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