Chapter 19 : Return and Usual Daily Training

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Chapter 19 : Return and Usual Daily Training


~3rd Person PoV~

At the moment, inside Sirin's house

"Are all of you okay??" Asia asked in a worried tone considering they were dealing with a fallen angel

"We're fine" Sirin said in a cheerful tone

"Thank God" Asia said in a relieved tone

"Why are you taking care of the fallen angel?" Asia asked in confusion

"I have a grudge against one of them. Because I still remember having a hole pierce in my stomach by that crow" Sirin spoke frankly with an expression of pain when remembering the past

"Eh!" Asia gasped in surprise

"Are you okay after that?!?" Asia asked with a worried expression but was stopped by Sirin

"Oh, I'm fine. Look at me standing here proving I'm still alive you know~" Sirin said confidently while puffing out her chest proudly

"Eh~" Asia gasped

"What about the fallen angel? Are they still alive?" Asia asked, even though they didn't treat her well

"Well, they died" Sirin said lightly. This made Asia just silent

"I see..." Asia said briefly, then prayed for the souls of those who were no longer in this world even though they were not kind to her

"Asia Argento, don't be feel bad for them. If we didn't meet you then you would definitely die. They are planning to take your Sacred Gear by force which will result in your death" Reinhard said to Asia. That made Asia surprised

"Where did you get that information?" Sirin asked in confusion, she really didn't know how much knowledge Reinhard had in his brain

"Interrogation" Reinhard answered briefly

"........." There was silence in that place

"Okay, it's late night now. It would be good for you all to rest," Sofia said in the room

"Okay, then I'll go first Miss Sofia" Reinhard said goodbye to Sirin's residence and disappeared

"He's still as mysterious as ever" Sirin said breaking the silence in the place, making Sofia chuckle a little

"So Little Asia, I will help you to your new room" Sofia pulled Asia away from the living room

"Eh? Eh?~" Asia shouted in shock. Even though he didn't reject Sofia, he was still overwhelmed by the power behind Sofia's hands

"........." Silence enveloped the room once again after Asia's voice disappeared in the room

"This house is getting crowded. Hah~, Bella, let's sleep" Sirin sighed and went to her room with Bella

Arriving at the room, Sirin changed into her nightshirt and walked to the bed and lay down on the bed. She stared at the ceiling of her room for a long time as if she was thinking about something

Sirin recalled the conversation that had just happened a few minutes ago and saw Asia's reluctance on her face

'Asia is a bit like me back then. We are both cheerful and curious girls, we don't even have the heart to kill,' Sirin mused

'But in the end, she need to face the reality of the world.......' Sirin commented in her mind. She raised her hands high and clenched her fists tightly. On the back of her hand, there were lines that formed a strange pattern

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