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Dancing with Toby Gray, who had clearly imbibed a bit too much, felt to Emily Davis like being ensnared in the arms of a tipsy octopus. She couldn't shake the uncomfortable sensation of slimy tentacles slowly enveloping her.

Toby had attempted his charms on numerous occasions, relying on his handsome face and charismatic demeanour. As a budding twenty-four-year-old actor who had made appearances in some commercials, he was keenly aware of his appeal. But despite spending three months together during the shooting of the dystopian film Generation Alpha, where sparks flew between them on-screen, he hadn't managed to progress beyond a staged kiss. With the film wrapping up and Toby sensing a breakthrough for his career, he was determined to win over his first acting partner. He couldn't fathom why he was facing such resistance, given his usual success with women. As he tightened his grip on her, clad in tight black pants, his thoughts drifted to what he imagined would follow.

The truth was that Emily didn't want to get involved with someone like Toby at all. She viewed him as a conceited womanizer, finding every aspect of him repulsive, from his dark hair and unassuming beard to his unnaturally bleached teeth.

She was fresh eighteen and felt like she had lived an empty and aimless life until this summer. Raised by her mother, with whom she didn't get along, she spent most of her adolescence at a boarding school where rich parents gladly deposited their offspring. Not that she was a wealthy heiress; she acquired a first-class education solely through her mother's lucrative marriages. She wasn't the academic type and didn't excel in anything. It was as if her life lacked direction.

After finishing her studies, she planned to spend a year traveling, and it was during this time that her friend convinced her to audition for a low-budget film. What was initially supposed to be just fun turned out to be an opportunity to find herself. Casting directors were seeking fresh faces for lead roles, and her genetic inheritance from her former model mother proved advantageous. With a slender figure, captivating cat-green eyes, and thick blond hair, Emily possessed the physical attributes coveted by the industry. However, it was her natural talent and ease with difficult lines that secured her the role of Venus, a character pivotal to the film's plot. After the first day of shooting, she realized she enjoyed working with different artists on set and being part of that fictional story. Acting was the area she wanted to pursue. The only problem was Toby Gray. The professional distance she tried to maintain between them persistently exceeded.

He pressed her even closer and leaned his head towards her. "I was thinking we could make the relationship of our characters more... authentic. You know what I mean," he whispered in her ear over the loud music.

"I don't think it's a good idea," she said coldly.

"It would be just for show," he explained quickly. "According to my agent, it would help with the promotion of the film. Many actors do it."

Emily tried to object, but someone touched her shoulder and pulled her out of the iron embrace. She turned and saw her friend Kristy Palmer.

"Sorry Toby, I'll borrow her for a moment," Kristy said, and before he could say a word, she dragged her away.

She was a tall brunette with chocolate skin, and aside from her unusually blue eyes, seemed to be a faithful copy her father, the renowned footballer Ian Palmer. Emily first encountered her on set, and following an unpleasant argument with her mother, Emily graciously offered her a room in her Kensington apartment. From that moment on, they became inseparable best friends.

Unlike Emily, Kristy didn't approach acting with the same level of dedication. Her involvement in the film was more of a spontaneous decision, driven by a whim and the producers' desire to secure a famous name. Despite being one of the wealthiest individuals in town, Kristy had also garnered fame as a popular influencer in recent years.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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