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Umeko had gotten bored quickly, battles passing by every time she blinked. However, that boredom was short-lived. “Umeko!” Naruto whispered, Umeko turned to him a bit confused. “What is it?” She asked. Naruto pointed to the screen. Umeko looked over and was shocked when she saw the name of the ninja they would face. One of the ninjas who had attempted to assassinate her. Umeko bit her lip, scared of the encounter. Sakura looked at her, worried. “Umeko you can just give up, it's okay-” Sakura set her hand on her shoulder but Umeko pulled away, “No. I have to do this.” Umeko assured her.

As Umeko walked down to the stage she didn't notice her fathers unwavering gaze watching her. As much as he wanted to he wouldn't step in, he didn't want her to feel weak. But he was worried this was too much for her fairly tired body. Shoko’s healing could only do so much.

Umeko cautiously stepped onto the stage, feeling scared as the ninja they faced smiled at them with sadistic glee. “Are both participants ready?” The tired proctor asked. Umeko shakily nodded, he hummed, stepping off the stage and chopping his hand downward, signaling the start of the fight. The ninja immediately sprung forward, hitting Umeko in the stomach and making her fly to the edge of the stage, she managed to stop herself before she crossed the line. Coughing and heaving as the wind was knocked out of her.
“They were right. I thought the rumors were being dramatic. But you really are weak.” The ninja laughed, picking her up by her shirt. Kakashi gripped onto his sleeve. He thought she would be ready for this… He wanted to believe in her but- maybe he was wrong. Gai looked towards him, his face wearing a rare sad expression. Kakashi sighed, he knew he messed up but he couldn't pull her out now.

Umeko cursed, she had just activated her infinity earlier! Why couldn't she now!? What was wrong with her? Why couldn't she just be good? Umeko had thought she finally grasped infinity. But she was wrong, why couldn't she just do something right! Despite having the most potential out of all the genin she was by far the weakest. It made her mad. Umeko kicked the ninja in the stomach, making them drop her, they cursed looking at her with rage. “YOU LITTLE BRAT!” They yelled, hurling Kunai in her direction, she dodged most of them but because of her delirious and tired state one managed to make a gash in her arm, making her yelp. Falling down.

The ninja sauntered over to her, smiling as she laid on the ground motionless. The ninja raised their Kunai, ready to strike her heart. The staff quickly realized what they were attempting to do, but it was too late to stop it. Umeko just watched in horror, ready for death but-


Nothing came.

Umeko carefully opened her eyes and found that nothing moved, everyone frozen like statues, the space around her was foreign, everything black as if everything but her had been coated in pitch black paint. “I don't take joy in doing this, you know.” A voice rang out. Umeko yelped and turned around, freezing when she spotted her father. She was going to call out to him but- “Wait- it's you…” She heaved. Her consciousness, or that's what it called itself.

“In the flesh. Or spirit- in this case.” It shrugged. Umeko stood up, “Okay cut the crap. I know you arent my conscious, I'm not falling for that bullshit again.” Umeko scoffed. They shook their head, “I never really put much effort into that lie. But trust me when I say that it's better you don't know what I am.” They explained. Umeko glared at them, “I don't care what you are! I just need answers!” Umeko slowly got up.

“You wont like it.” They warned. Umeko rolled her eyes, “I don't care! I'm on the verge of death, I'm weak! And I'm gonna die in front of my father and friends! So just tell me already!” Umeko yelled. They sighed, their body shifting from their fathers form. Slowly they morphed into what looked like a- a copy of herself? Well not exactly, her hair was much longer, she didn't have a blindfold and her eyes were blue. “What the hell-” Umeko stepped back. “What are you?” She asked. They sighed, “In simple words. I'm infinity.” They explained. Umeko stayed quiet, “How are you- I feel like I would have been told if this was part of the infinity experience!” Umeko gawked, thoroughly confused. They sighed, “That's because this isn't normal. Infinity doesn't usually manifest. But in your case it did.” It explained, “You had unbelievable power at your birth, extremely similar to your fathers. However a human body couldn't handle it, you were born weaker and the power was already so immense.” It added. “So to combat this, I manifested a sort of inner you. I am infinity personified, think of it like sealed power. The stronger you grow the weaker I become until eventually you're fit to take all of the power.” Infinity finished. Umeko sighed, “So I really am the weakest Gojo… I was born weak…” She whispered. “Were you not- okay, listen. You are going to get the hell back up and beat that dumbass ninja to the moon. Got it?” Infinity ordered.

Umeko sighed, “How? I don't even know how to activate my infinity!” Umeko cried. Infinity walked closer to her, “That's because you don't have enough power sanctioned inside of you. But, you've grown strong enough to handle more.” infinity explained, kneeling down. “Are you ready? For more?” They asked. Umeko looked up nervously, “What if I can't handle it?” She nervously asked. Infinity shook its head, “You will handle it. Trust me.” It assured her. Umeko sighed and nodded, “Okay. I'm ready.” She smiled. Infinity smiled, holding her hands and letting part of them transfer to her, both glowing as it transferred. “You ready?” Infinity asked. Umeko sighed, opening her eyes, both glowing bright. She nodded. “Alright. Let's do this.” Infinity smiled.


Slowly the world returned to normal, Umeko waking up, the kunai just about to pierce her skin. But last second they stopped, her infinity activating. Everyone sighed in relief. Umeko slowly got up, her braid completely gone. She took off her blindfold and stared at the ninja. She could feel power coursing through her. Umeko balled her hands together, remembering how her father described creating his attacks. “What- what is she doing?” Gai asked. Satoru was speechless, watching her with a bright smile. In her hands a bright red ball appeared, her eyes horrifying and beautiful at the same time as she quietly spoke, “Cursed technique: lapse red.” In an instant the ninja flew to the edge of the ring, Umeko following them and holding the technique steady, pressing them into the wall with lapse red. In a daze, she pressed them further into the wall, her mind not fully functioning. “STOP IT! I GIVE UP!” Despite the ninja’s surrender, Umeko continued.

Satoru sighed, teleporting down to the ring and bypassing her infinity, putting a hand on her shoulder, making her stop. She swiftly turned around to face her father, dazed and confused, “Dad? What's going on?” She asked, he nodded his head in the direction of the cowering and horrified ninja, rubble around him and injuries all over his body. Umeko’s eyes widened, “I- i did that?” She gasped, turning to him. He nodded, a small smile on his face. He ruffled her hair. “I told you it would come to you eventually.” he smiled. Umeko nodded, thinking back to the interaction with her infinity. Her body was finally starting to become strong enough to handle her abilities, but she wasn't sure if she was ready. Her body was, but was her mind?


[A/N] AHHH big reveal! I'm so excited i finally got to share this! Sorry if it was a bit obvious. I took inspiration from the amulet books for this twist. Remember, don't be scared to comment stupid or goofy stuff. They make me laugh and it helps engagement. Thank you for reading ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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