Chapter 18 Eavesdropping

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❀I never realized how beautiful my eyes were until she said so.❀


In a quiet building downtown, hidden behind an old garage where few venture, lies a secret office known only as "SGI" - Shadow Guard Investigation. Though unremarkable on the outside, within its walls, a world of covert operations unfolds, filled with hidden rooms and cutting-edge technology, where files and evidence are safeguarded under lock and key.

At 4 in the evening, inside "SGI," Verdant Menon sits at his desk, the weight of a new case heavy on his mind. He sifts through files and pictures, searching for a breakthrough that remains elusive. Suddenly, Manav enters with a stack of files, disrupting Verdant's concentration. His gaze shifts to the files in Manav's hands, anticipation sparking in his eyes.

Manav places the files on the desk and takes a seat opposite Verdant, his voice hushed as he delivers news of fresh intel on their suspects. "Goel, AC, and Shekhawat - they're our top suspects," he reveals. Verdant nods gravely, his mind already racing with possibilities.

"Any hard evidence linking them to... you know?" Verdant inquires cautiously, his tone betraying a hint of frustration at the lack of tangible proof.

Manav's voice drops even lower as he responds, "Not yet, but the signs are there. Activities during off hours, suspicious transactions..." His words hang in the air, heavy with the weight of their mission.

Verdant nods subtly, a silent agreement passing between them to maintain secrecy as they continue their investigation. They both understand the need for discretion, knowing they must gather more evidence before they can take their suspicions to higher authorities.

With a shared determination, they make their way to Goel Enterprises, their first suspect. Their destination: the production plant, where they hope to uncover the secrets of the operation firsthand.

Manav turned off the engine as a sense of seriousness filled the air. They shed their jackets, revealing casual inner wear to blend in and hide their true identities.

Entering the production plant, they spotted a group of laborers, their bodies glistening with sweat. Verdant approached them casually. "Hey there, mind if we join you for a few minutes?"

The workers nodded, though confusion lingered as Manav questioned them, "How's work been today? Everything alright, or..."

Verdant silently observed their expressions.

The workers shrugged, saying everything was fine like usual. Verdant pressed on, "But I heard something's off today. Workers are staying late at night, like..."

Their faces paled, and one laborer stood up, confronting them, "Like what?"

He whispered in a slow yet serious tone. A smirk flashed across Verdant's lips, quickly concealed as he continued, "Like, you know, I think there's a problem with the powder..."

The worker's face turned red with realization, and just then, a supervisor approached, sensing the tension.

"What's happening here?" the supervisor demanded.

The laborers signaled towards Verdant and Manav, prompting the supervisor to confront them, "What are you guys doing here?"

Verdant and Manav exchanged a glance, communicating silently. In the next moment, the supervisor struck Verdant across the face,but Verdant didn't even move. He just stood there with a smirk on his face, even though he was bleeding a little. Seeing this, Manav got really mad and wanted to fight the supervisor. But Verdant stopped him calmly, showing he was in charge.Manav looked at Verdant, surprised.

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