Where are we going? chap 1!

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Scotts Pov.

I was working in the cafe. It was peaceful until a group of teenagers came in. They were all so loud and were rough housing. Luckily, Martyn and tango were in the cafe scolding them to calm down. I was trying so hard not to cover up my ears. I was waiting for the teens to come up to the counter I wanted to get this over with. After all, there were at least 15-18 kids. Gem and I were talking after we had gotten the kids taken care of and Martyn walked up with a big smile. He was so cute-.

"Heya scott" he hummed then looked to gem "gem. How are you two this fine afternoon?"

"Tired" gem hummed as she started wiping the counters

"I'm doing well-!" I spoke slightly with a bit of a high-pitched voice. Luckily, Martyn didn't notice it but gem did and she smirked at me. She knew I liked martyn. I just go back to talking in my normal voice "how are you?" i asked with a small head tilt

"Doing well i got to yell at teenagers for the 6th time today" he snickered

"Martyn this is why kids fear you" gem hummed

"I know gem! That's what i want" martyn spoke with a small nod

Gem and martyn continued to talk as I got back to work as I didn't want to be near martyn he's too pretty and yet he wears baggy clothes and hides his face sometimes. I wanted to hug the martyn so badly but I held my touch starved self back. Gem noticed it and snickered.

"Scott, why don't you take a break and hang out with martyn" she hummed and I shot a glare at her, but I just nodded and took my apron off and walked around the counter to be greeted by a very smiley martyn.
I couldn't help but slightly blush. He patted my back and I walked with him to his table. Tango had left already. I'm guessing to meet up with his lover boy. Martyn pulled out a chair and bowed to me and put his hand out for me to grab. I couldn't help but giggle and I took his hand and I sat down. Martyn let go of his hand and he sat down as well.

"So- how's the job going" i asked martyn and he just smiled.

"It's going well! Me and tango just editing some mods and everything" he hummed as he started talking and ranting about some of the mods and other items he was working on. My aeor he was so pretty-.

"Say scott. You alright? Your face is all red" he asked and my ears just perked up.

"Yup-! Probably just a bit sunburnt since i was outside a lot yesterday" i quickly lied i could just imagine how much gem was giggling at this.

"Hm- well i have some aloe at home if you have the time and could come over-!" he hummed and my heart just fluttered.

"Sure-! My shift is over in around 30 minutes-" I spoke quietly.

"Hm- well i can wait those 30 minutes" he hummed "say how long is your break?" he asked leaning forwards slightly

"Around 10 minutes-" i replied still with a quiet voice

"Good well afterwards there's somewhere i've been wanting to show you" he hummed and leaned forwards a bit. Excuse me but he looked hot as hell-. like i could feel my heart racing like a shooting star.

The 10 minutes went by way too fast but he went back to working and gem was just snickering and messing with scott about it. It slightly irritated him but not a lot-.

It was finally the last ten minutes no one had come in but a guy came up to the counter and started flirting with Scott. He was tired so he didn't say anything. Martyn stormed over and punched the man full force. Luckily there were only 1-2 people in the cafe.

"THE FUCK DUDE-?!" the man yelled at martyn as he held the side of his face that was now bleeding-.

"He was clearly uncomfortable with your ass now. I suggest you run along now before I beat the hell outta you!" Martyn growled and I felt a blush rush to my face. Then martyn turned back to me

"You alright?" he asked

"y-yup-!" I squeaked this time he noticed I was blushing like hell and my stuttering gave it away as well-.

"Are you sure you're alright? You look very embarrassed" he teased.

"Mhm-.." I hummed to hide it. He just chuckled but soon the clock chimed it was closing time. gem said she was going to work for a bit more so I told her I was heading out.

I went to the back and got changed into a baggy hoodie and some jeans. Then walked back over to martyn and he just smiled and held out his hand and I took it.

We were at Martyn's place and he was rubbing aloe on my face as he still believed I was sunburnt-.

"It burns and smells minty" I randomly said and martyn just giggled.

"Suck it up loser." He spoke jokingly.

"Ugh so mean," I replied with a sassy tone.

We started laughing together. Suddenly, Martyn stood up.

"Come on then scoot-." He spoke jokingly.

"So my name is Scoot now?" Giggled as I stood up.

"Unless you want me to call you scitt-?" he spoke with a raised eyebrow.

"Scoot is better- but scott is even better." I said, leaning back my head a bit.

"Whatever." he said with an eye roll and dragged me somewhere.

"Where are we going-?" I asked as martyn took me to his car.


sincerely lemon/squeaks

Also 980 words :3

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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