Chapter Sixteen

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"So, Charlotte asked me if I'd ask you a favour..." Lando looked at her nervously. "Apparently Cassie has already agreed to it if you're up for it."

"This sounds like trouble." Hannah turned her head to look up at him. Her voice was fading, the last set of shows had really taken it out of her.

They were both still in bed, in his childhood bedroom. She had no idea if his parents even knew she was there, the house had been pitch black and silent when they'd come in last night. She had that weird nervous feeling in her stomach at the thought of seeing them again.

Lando laughed. "They want to film some content for McLaren social media. She wants me to drive a couple of hot laps round a track with you as my passenger."

"Oh god." Hannah laughed. "Your normal driving where there is speed limits scares me. I don't know how to feel about this."

"Oh come on, it'll be fun!" Lando squeezed his arms around her. "If not they'll make me drive someone else around instead and it won't be nearly as fun!"

"Do you promise not to kill me?" She laughed. "I haven't finished my tour yet and I'm pretty sure the label would sue you."

"Pinky promise." He grinned, repeating his words from Monaco and holding his finger up to her again.

"Okay, when are we doing this?" She asked. "Please don't tell me I have to get out of bed." She inched herself closer to him, draping her leg over his as she settled herself back against his chest.

"No, I thought you'd need a rest today. Tomorrow? Then we're free to do whatever we want for a couple of weeks. I'm done at MTC after this, we can go anywhere." He smiled.

"Tomorrow it is then." She nodded. "Then maybe we can get away somewhere, or go back to Monaco? I don't know, somewhere there aren't going to be paparazzi taking photos every five minutes?"

"That sounds good to me." He agreed, fingers trailing lazily up and down her spine.

"I need to sort out with Cassie doing the last little bit for the new album and the photo shoot at some point but I don't think she's booked anything yet."

"Why don't you just try and get through one day without thinking about work?" He proposed. "Take the day off, relax."

"Did you tell your parents I'm here, by the way?" She asked, chewing on her lip nervously.

He nodded. "I texted mum on the way back last night. I didn't want her to burst in here this morning, and then she can prep my sisters so they don't say anything weird to you."

"They're really sweet." Hannah defended them. "I've got the hoodies I took for them last night as well."

"Honestly you don't need anything to buy their affection with, you're definitely already their favourite out of the two of us."

Hannah threw her head back and laughed. "I'm glad, I want them all to like me."

"They do, I promise." He kissed the top of her head, reaching for his phone as it buzzed on the table beside him. "Speaking of, Mum's made breakfast."

She groaned as she pulled herself away from him to get out of bed. She had her own clothes with her this time, having taken her suitcase to the stadium with her as the original plan had been to fly back to Miami with Cassie, but she'd ended up in one of his shirts still.

But knowing she was going downstairs to his family she felt like she needed to get dressed. Lando had tried to convince her it was fine so she'd compromised on sweatpants and a clean Quadrant shirt of his. It was a vast improvement on what she normally did at the end of a weekend of shows. She didn't normally move at all, never mind get dressed.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now