Chapter 9

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Life is a journey. We meet countless people in this journey of life. They teach us a myriad of things in our life. With each encounter with any person may not be important but the lesson learnt is.

A family teaches us unconditional love and support. A friend, loyalty and companionship. An enemy challenges our beliefs and tests our patience.

I have stumbled across many people in my life. I am great at dealing with them, credits to the personality of mine, my level of patience was never put to test.


All of my patience snapped. It went all out of the window when that piece of a shit touched her hand. And fucking kissed her hand. I had to control myself from banging his head on the wall. The rage building inside me itself is a new feeling.

I have had my fair share of relationships - which obviously did not last as they were after the fame and money of mine. At a certain point I simply gave up the thought of having a partner in my life.

Guess what? I don't want to give up on this woman. The woman with the prettiest shade of blue eyes ever existed. A straight competition to Vikings. People call her cold and heartless. But they fail to see her facade to hide her feelings. Well the 'ice queen' they call her has a fragile heart to be kept in a cold case. The warmth beneath the surface is something that is to be relished. The warmth which was lost, the reason still unknown to me. She has her walls built so high, guarding it with a huge sign of 'NoEntry'.

Every person has secrets. Secrets: some scarred, some binded, some forgotten, some painful.

Guess what? I am going to do the exact opposite of that. Being unruly since childhood did teach me how to do the polar things. I am going to crumble the walls to pieces. I will burn them to ashes.

Even when I am unsure of what my feelings are towards her. One thing is certain that the day those ocean eyes looked into mine they became mine. And I certainly don't like my things desolated.

"You can stop here, we've reached" Enola's voice snapped me back to reality. I stop the car in front of ABC Pre school. Today is Lily's ballet performance, where the presence of parents is mandated. Lily would be upset if no one would watch and cheer for her, as Liam and his wife Sara are out of station, so he asked Enola to attend this.

So here we are strolling through corridors to find the auditorium where it is held. With no bodyguards following around, being a billionaire herself with no security around her bothers me. I don't ask her why. Task 1: Appoint potential shadow bodyguards.

"Are we late?" I ask Enola who has been looking around and in such a rush as if she's late to her meeting.

"I hope we aren't" she then skims through the entry pass then continues "The pass says it started before ten minutes. I just hope Lil doesn't get nervous and anxious thinking she's alone. We need to be quick." Honestly this is my first time seeing her being in such a rush, her hands shaking a bit. Her actions are usually calm and composed.

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