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Alright, well I guess here we go!

would you rather grow hair for teeth or teeth for hair

Uhm... good question... a little weird so I'm not sure how to answer it because thinking about it really just hurts my brain...


opinion on Hawaiian pizza

*sniffs* Yes-


Hello Im a thief and Im here to steal your heart

Awe... Well I'm a Queen so you'd have to get through my King and my guards to get it-


Do you have a band aid Because I just scraped my knee falling for you

I- I like that one to be honest with you. Though, it's still cheesy and it isn't going to work because I'm fresh out of bandaids-


HELLOOO HERES A FUN FACT ABOUT CATS SINCE I LOVE THEM If a cats tail is upright and straight It means their happy and excited

Hmm... That's good to know! Now can you tell me why mine just keeps screaming at everyone even though he's happy and excited?



Lemme guess- o.O


Zephyr leaves a while container of Eton mess to replace what he ate last night

Lya watches him leave o.o That's what I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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