**Chapter One: The Encounter**

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Max, a famous CEO with a commanding presence, strode purposefully through the bustling city streets. Lost in thought, he rounded a corner and collided with Luna, an accomplished author lost in the pages of her latest manuscript.

Their initial encounter was anything but smooth. Luna, frustrated by the interruption, snapped at Max, accusing him of being inconsiderate. Max, equally annoyed, offered a quick apology, his charm failing to mollify Luna's irritation. Max didn't take it like a big deal because that is how he usually talks.

But beneath their surface animosity lay a history of childhood rivalry. Luna and Max had been enemies since they were young, their competitive streaks fueling constant clashes. Despite years of separation, the old tension still simmered between them. They never thought of reconciliation or anything they usually despite one another

Despite their rocky start, there was an undeniable spark between them, a curiosity that neither one of them could ignore. Luna sensed there was more to Max than his polished exterior, while Max found Luna's passion for writing intriguing.

As they exchanged a few more words, Luna and Max felt a strange connection forming between them. They parted ways, each intrigued by the other and the unexpected encounter that had left them both feeling unsettled

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