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On a rainy day, Eva, a silver haired girl was sitting on the small table near the window at the coffee shop. She was doing her college assignment that has been given to her for the semester. While she was falling deep in thought and focusing on her assignment, a knock on the table can be heard making Eva flinch a bit in shock. She looked up to see the person who knocked on the table, a man with black hair could be seen smiling at her as he asked her,

"Mind if I sit with you?"

Eva who heard that nod in agreement, didn't mind at all if that man wanted to sit in front of her. The man then smiles again as he slowly pulls the chair and sits.

Eva continues focusing on doing her assignment. The two fell in silence as they were in their own world when suddenly, a raspy voice can be heard breaking the silence.

"Hey-" The man said as he leaned his head on his hand while gazing up at Eva.

"Can I have your number?" he smiles.

Eva looks at the man, wearing a strange expression on her face that can be noticed visibly.

"I'm sorry but, I don't give my number easily to someone. Especially, to strangers." Eva said that while pressing the word 'strangers' in her sentence.

The man just smiles again hearing her response. As Eva wanted to continue her work, another question was asked again by that man.

"I'm wondering, why would you go such a length just for a certain suicide case?" the man said as the hint of uncomfortable feeling lingers around from that question.

Eva flinches a bit as she keeps a calm face on. She had a suspicious feeling about the man from the start. Her heart is beating faster in panic as she is still trying to keep the calm face on.

"Who are you to know about my motives? If my heart is set, I'll find a way, against all odds. And it looks like, my heart is already set for it."

The man chuckled after hearing her answer, he wasn't expecting the response.

"Such a tough one aren't you?" said the man.

"Fine! Let's find out if you can figure out the case-" He said that as he got up and held out his hand while smiling smugly.

Eva frowned as she sat still in her chair, gazing up at him.The man chuckled again, sensing her reluctance to take his hand. Because of knowing that she found him untrustworthy, he took back his hand while keeping a smile on his face.

""I'm Elias. Perhaps our paths will cross again someday, little one."

He walked out of the café with a smug smile on his face. Meanwhile, Eva couldn't help but wonder: who was that black-haired man? How did he know I was investigating the case? These questions swirled in her mind, leaving her feeling more confused. She frowned as she pondered, until suddenly, his name dawned on her.

"Elias- as in Elias Everhart!"

Eva's heart sank as realization struck. The man was Elias Everhart, a suspect in the suicide case she had been investigating. The fear that she had before now mingled with her anger as she gripped her fist tightly.

"Damn it!"

. . .
The man in black hair or you can say Niel, walked out of the coffee shop as he suddenly stopped and threw his gaze at the coffee shop window, looking at Eva who was holding her anger.

"Pfft- such an interesting little one."

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