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Oh, the irony of it all! Last night, There he lay, helpless and vulnerable, his once-charismatic facade shattered by the harsh reality of his mortality.

must confess, darling, I found great pleasure in witnessing his helplessness I couldn't help but laugh and it reminded me of his true nature – a weak, pathetic man who is unworthy of your love.

It was as if fate itself conspired to bring us closer together, to show you the depths of my devotion in contrast to James' feeble attempts at love. And you, my darling, were there by his side, trembling with fear as you cradled his wounded form in your arms.

Yet, amid the chaos and danger, a seed of jealousy took root within me. I watched as you whispered words of comfort to James, your touch gentle and soothing, and I felt a pang of envy coursing through my veins.

How dare he receive such tenderness from you, when it is I who should be at your side, protecting and caring for you with all my being.

In that moment, as James lay wounded and vulnerable, I longed to sweep you away, to claim you as my own and shield you from the dangers of this cruel world.

But alas, fate had other plans, as a taxi arrived just in time to whisk you both away to safety, leaving me once again to watch from afar, my heart burning with desire and jealousy.

Darling, just surrender yourself to me, and I shall guarantee the safety of James and everyone else who dares to stand in our way. Refuse me, and you shall witness the consequences firsthand, as I unleash my wrath upon all who oppose our love.

I hope you will not forget what happened with Aarav. He was in the hospital because of you.

May you make the right choice, darling, for our destiny awaits.


As Inaya read the letter, her heart pounded in her chest, each word weighing heavily on her soul.

Frozen in place, she couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness wash over her, the weight of the accusations sinking deep into her being.

It was as if the words had pierced through her defenses, exposing her vulnerabilities for all to see.

Somewhere she knew that what he was saying was true, it was because of her, that Aarav was in the hospital and the thought that he could attack James too made her soul tremble.

Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the ink on the paper before her. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and as she looked up, she saw Aarav's concerned gaze.

His touch brought her back from the depths of her thoughts, but the sense of despair lingered like a shadow in the recesses of her mind.

Blinking away the tears, Inaya glanced towards James, his figure lying still on the hospital bed, a silent reminder of the danger that had befallen him. Aarav's voice broke through the silence, pulling her attention back to the present moment.

"Who sent you the flowers and letter?"

"Oh, Noth.....nothing... It's probably just a misunderstanding."

Aarav's brow furrowed, his eyes narrowing as he noticed Inaya's hesitant demeanor. With a determined stride, he closed the distance between them, his hand reaching out to uncover the hidden truth."Inaya, why are you hiding? Let me see."

"I told....y....you na....Aarav, it's Nothing."

Net, who had been observing the exchange from the sidelines, interjected with a stern tone, his gaze fixed on Inaya. "Yeah, let him look. Why are you hiding?"

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