Dialogue 1

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It is the celebration of light. The day of purity. The time where the former elementals gather and perform the light giving ritual to give spiritual energy to each other.

"Time is upon us we must do it now", said Balosetrophe. "Don't rush it.", said Aqual, "Enjoy the celebration." >3> "Yeah, good point we still have 5 more hours till then.", said Geoglyph. "Yeah, good point.", said Balsetrophe, "Wait..... Wheres Aetheria and Gaia?" "They're probably at the ruins preparing the grounds for the ritual and stuff."

Each element has its own font.. .

Astrael is a ritual for which five elementals come together and make light. It starts on midnight on where before that the nature element gathers sunlight.Then on midnight, nature lets all of the light. Then quickly, the elements surround the ruin and start collecting moon and starlight.

Balosetrophe is the element of fire. Aqual, water. Geoglyph, earth. Gaia, nature. Lastly, Aether, air.

------ Later at the dorm of five------

Its the day on which Astrael will be performed. The five elementals are talking out of boredom. Because Astrael doesn't begin until midnight.

"This is boring!" "I'm hungry. Got any food?" I have a kiwi or two."
""Anyone have pizza?" "Oh, I ate it all....""
"Boooooooored!!"'Anyone have notes for the piano...?"
Then the pillow fight started....... Then all were silent to the sound of the piano"

----------A few minutes later------------

Aqual pulled out an Mp3 player with earphones and started listening to Lights by Ellie Goulding. Balostrophe was reading a nonsense book. Geoglyph was shooting rocks at Atheria who was dodging them while reading. Gaia was just playing an out of key piano song.


Yo yo yo! My first D chapter next one comin' up next! This will take about 3 days or more I'll make it as soon as possible..
Peace out!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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