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Great, just freakin' great

I fidgeted nervously outside the classroom, anxiously waiting for Ryan. After my less-than-graceful exit last time, leaving him utterly bewildered, I owed him a solid explanation-if not an Oscar-worthy performance.

My eyes looked down to the screen of my new phone, which I couldn't remember how I'd gotten nor account for where my old one was. The little "Delivered" text still sat infuriatingly under the message I'd sent him nearly fifteen minutes ago, devoid of any reassuring "Read" notification.

I huffed out an exasperated sigh, thumbs drumming restlessly against the case. Where was he? I'd apologized profusely for bolting during our last session and begged him to meet me after his Microwaves class so I could explain as well as see his Midnight Coherence matrix.

My gaze flickered back up to the empty hallway stretching in both directions, willing his familiar face to materialize.

Speaking of the ginger king himself, the door swung open to reveal those familiar pale eyes and messy strands that always seemed to find their way into his line of vision.

"Hey," he greeted, his eyebrows arching quizzically. "You okay? You kinda scared me in the morning."

I nodded and plastered on my most convincing smile, praying it didn't look as rusty as it felt. "Yeah, sorry about that. Just a little...female issue." I cringed inwardly, hoping the vague excuse would suffice.

Ryan's forehead crinkled adorably as the gears turned, realization soon dawning across his features. "Oh. Ohhh, right." He cleared his throat awkwardly, shooting me a look equal parts embarrassment and intense gratitude that I didn't elaborate further. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

Men. So easily flustered by the mere mention of periods.

As we settled into our usual seats in one of the empty classes, a familiar tingling sensation crept up my spine-a telltale sign that I was about to get another episode. I'd had about seven of those since the first one in the morning class.

Suppressing a groan, I braced myself for the onslaught of visions, desperately willing myself to maintain control.

The classroom blurred around me, and suddenly, I found myself transported to a dimly lit alleyway. A tattered figure huddled in the corner, their face obscured by matted hair and grime. Even from several yards away, an overpowering funk of untreated filth and God-knew-what-else wafted through the crisp air, threatening to send my rebellious gag reflex into open revolt.

Damn...that's just...damn. Way harsh.

My heart ached with an inexplicable sadness, and just as quickly as the vision appeared, it dissipated, leaving me disoriented.

"Hecate?" Ryan's concerned voice snapped me back to reality. "You zoned out... again."

Blinking rapidly, I forced a reassuring smile. "Sorry, just got lost in thought for a moment."

Before Ryan could respond, the classroom door burst open with enough force to make the hinges whimper, and in strode the dynamic duo themselves-Bella and Jax, flanked by their ever-present entourage of Kevin, Michael, Logan, and Wonder.

Terrific. The Legion of Resting Bitch Face has arrived.

Bella's dramatic entrance was punctuated by her shrill voice that likely ruptured several eardrums of passersby. "I'm going shopping for the charity gala this weekend." Her perfectly manicured, razor-sharp nails drummed against the desk in front of me, demanding my attention.

Of course that means "we were going".

Bella's priorities always revolve around parties and clothes.

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