Chapter Two

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"I will get it!" Satang shouts as he makes his way to the front door.

Meanwhile, Sea continues to prepare food in the kitchen.

"Satang! Where is your brother, is he ready?" Book asks as he helps himself through the door, followed by Mix.

Before Book could continue in Satang stretches over to pull him back "I haven't told him yet"

Mix chuckles "That's ok we will tell him the good news, let's go"

Mix and Book continue into the house, Mix looks through the back room as he looks through he stands himself up straight as he shouts "Attention soldier Chai!"

Chai hears the words shouted and throws himself to stand alert straight like a soldier "Yes Boss Mix!"

Mix paces himself in front of Chai, he finally spins himself around to bend down to Chai's height before saluting to him, Chai saluted back after the salute Mix begins to tickle Chai and the laughters were so loud. Over in the kitchen Sea is shaking his head smiling at the same time, he finally turns to Book "So what do we owe this pleasure?"

Book smirks to himself "Go shower we are here to go out tonight"

Sea raises his eyebrows to book "What are you talking about I have Chai here I need to plan these things in advance"

Mix over hears as he walks in with Chai on his shoulders "We already planned it Satang and Winny are taking care of Chai tonight"

Sea looks over to Satang and before he could say his input Satang nods "I tried to tell you earlier me and Winny have already agreed to watch Chai"

Sea taken back and unsure what to say he looks over to Chai who is still on Mix's shoulders "Papa I can stay with Uncle Winny and Uncle Satang"

Mix brings Chai down onto the kitchen counter, Sea walks over to him "Are you sure Papa can stay home with you"

Chai looks at his Papa "No Papa adults can have fun to"

Mix nods from behind agreeing with Chai, Sea chuckles to himself "Ok,Ok I will go and shower and get ready"

Chai turns to his Uncle Satang with his thumbs up as though they have both accomplished something.


"Please tell me that was my last patient?" Earth says as he yawns over the front desk of the skin clinic he works in.

The receptionists smile "Yes Earth that was your last patient"

"Yes thank you, get yourself home and I will see you Monday" Earth says with a sigh of relief in his voice.

"Are you sure that's ok? Boss is still in his office" the receptionist whispers from behind the desk as she looks over to their boss's office.

Earth smiles "Of course I will go and speak to our boss you go home and let everyone else it is time to go"

The receptionist smiles as she rushes herself in the staff room.

Earth lifts himself up from the desk as he walks his way over to the office, he takes a little knock as he enters his boss sat there in glasses and his white Doctor's jacket he spins himself around to see Earth in the doorway "Did you just send everyone home early?"

Earth tiptoes himself into the office as he closes the door behind he smiles his way to the chair "Yes I did it's Friday everyone has been paid today, we have no patients now until Monday so me, you and Force go for a drink?"

Jimmy lifts his head up to Earth and removes his glasses "Wait what? A drink, do you know how much paper work I have left to do here?"

Earth in his seat with a big smile "You can do it Sunday you will be here anyway doing the children's clinic"

Jimmy looks back down to his paper as he shakes his head.

Earth sighs loudly "Force is outside waiting, I heard there might be a couple of teachers out this evening"

Jimmy's ear perk up, he raises his head to look at Earth who is avoiding eye contact looks around the room, Jimmy trying to make himself look unbothered "So Mix and Book are going to be there?"

Earth scratches his neck "Maybe and some other teacher I guess"

Jimmy stands himself up and closes his folders as he makes his way out of the office. Earth stands himself up congratulating himself with a high five as he follows Jimmy.

"Finally I was in the car for half an hour, are we ready to go?" Force asks from the waiting area in Jimmy's clinic.

Jimmy fixes his shirt as he nods to Force, he throws his keys to Earth "You can drive there and I will drive us back"

Earth nods with agreement as he takes his arm over both Jimmy and Force.

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